Update 1st September 2023

Pastor Bohdan and Pastor Sergey praying over the families at the service who are assembled at the front of the room.

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Dear Friends,

This past week marked the 18 month anniversary of this terrible war. Both Ukraine and Russia have suffered heavy losses, but the impact on family life and everyday living is taking its toll on people living in Ukraine. Currently, there appears to be an escalation in evacuating and fleeing for safety as stories below will highlight.

According to Ukrainian government data, Russia has lost 530 of its soldiers within the last 24 hours. This brings Russian losses since the war escalated in February 2022 to a total of 261,840 soldiers. In addition, Russia has lost some of its military equipment. According to Ukraine, Russia has lost 4,414 tanks, 8,579 armed/armoured vehicles, 7,909 vehicles and/or tankers, 5,450 artillery systems, 733 multiple rocket launchers, 500 air defence systems, 315 aircraft, 316 helicopters, 4,387 drones, and 18 boats. These figures have yet to be verified, but the cost both in lives and financial is extensive.

The team have been exceptionally busy helping people at the Centre and in the villages around with aid. They have been focusing on those who are effectively stuck at home suffering with disability. The aid was gratefully received, and there are a few photos below.

Svetlana held a service this week for families with very young babies. They were all given nappies and food as needed. Also, at the church on Sunday some of the children were prayed over seeking God’s protection over these young lives.

Last week I told you about a lady whose two sons who had died and one (Roman) was still missing. This week we found out more about this family as her daughter and granddaughter fled to Lebedyn. They arrived at the Centre for help (see picture below) from a village called Krasnopill near to where Pastor Andrew is operating. Sadly, the daughter’s husband was captured, along with her brother Roman, and in all reality it’s unlikely either are still alive. She was given some accommodation by the authorities but had nothing else, so the team gave away the last beds and gave them food and what clothes we could find. These are desperate times for this family, and sadly this is replicated thousands, if not millions of times over, across Ukraine.

Young woman and girl sat on a sofa with some of the bedding provided by the Centre

Schools are due to return after the summer break, but with the recent missile attack on local schools, the government have said that homeschooling will happen at least for the first 2 weeks of term. The school bomb shelters are inadequate, but learning from home is not great either.

For the Centre we have been told that to run short clubs should be OK to do under the new regulations. However, to do the camp weeks in autumn and at Christmas we have to renovate the bomb shelter, install heating and specially strengthened doors, add toilets and air ventilation. There is to be an inspection of the bomb shelter soon, so Bohdan has asked for prayer for this to go well and that they will not be stopped from doing all the work with the children and youth, and this will not be too expensive to put right. He will have to get specialist quotes to do the work.

Meanwhile, the youth continue to meet at the Centre . Tonight I video’d into Bohdan’s youth Bible study and it was so good to see these young people happy and with Bibles open. Svetlana is still planning much activity for children and families. This next Monday she will do another service for families with slightly older children again in desperate need of nappies. They will be helped. Then she will have a few days off to go and see her parents in the south, right next door to where the heavy fighting is. Her father is a pastor of a church and they had a lovely building with the grounds adapted for doing camps. Sadly, it was bombed this summer. The church though continues to meet in another building. When she is back she has organised after-school (If they go!) clubs with computer and English classes. The “new” Sasha and his wife who have arrived on team as volunteers, speak fluent English having graduated with a masters degree, and will be helping with this. Parents are very keen for children to attend these groups. Children's clubs will also start again (9th September – local government permitting).

They are renovatiing the computer class area used for the drop in and also for the Bible School. New laptops have been ordered to help with all that is going on, and we are extremely grateful to a special donor who has funded these.

The last story to share this week is good news! We have been concerned for many months over the safety and well being of Bohdan’s friend Pastor Elijah. He ran a church in the new Russian occupied territory. He had been taken away 6 times and tortured for information. Eventually, he had his papers taken away and was put under house arrest, and then Bohdan was unable to get any contact with him at all for some time. During this past week he was unexpectedly given his papers back so he decided to flee the area. When he got to the region's border checkpoint the soldiers there put a gun to his head and asked for his papers. Pastor Elijah did not think he would get away, but suddenly the guard returned his papers and he is now over on the Polish border in safety waiting to leave the country. As you can imagine he is traumatised, but the family are safe. Bohdan again thanked us for the prayers given – they really have made a difference.

These are just some of the stories and issues the team face week in – week out. They have seen many people come to faith and witnessed answered prayers. Every day sirens still ring out, and whilst we were on a video call today they said the sirens were sounding out again, although they continued our conversation.

Lastly, many of you will be receiving a separate letter from me in the next week or so. Hope Lebedyn has now become its own charity and is now independent of Essential Christian. This has been planned for sometime to happen but we could not activate everything until we got a bank account open. After many trials the new bank account is open and therefore those that regularly donated or make one off gifts will receive a letter explaining the changes and giving new details. Our webiste has been updated also. We are so grateful for the long list of people who have donated and stood with the team. However, there is still much work to do.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

Mother and daughter standing on steps with iCare packages

Support the work of Hope Lebedyn:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

Sadly, the situation in Lebedyn and the Sumy region has deteriorated over this past week which included Ukraine Independence Day. Sirens have been sounding all day and night and bombs have been heard. In Romny, a town within Sumy Oblast, rockets and bombs fell on a school that was deliberately targeted. Four teachers were killed. Four others are seriously injured. Thankfully, no children were in school at the time. The Russians are trying to advance across the border but so far all efforts have been thwarted.

Within the Lebedyn area funeral services were held on Wednesday for two soldiers from the town. Tensions are rising as there is conflict within the community over how the town is being run. One example this week was that the local government decided to rebuild the road between Lebedyn and Sumy, but people are angry as they would prefer them to buy weapons to defend the town.

Bohdan told me of a lady they know who goes to a different church in Lebedyn. She had three sons; two have died and the other is missing in action. The harsh realities of war are now impacting families in a very real way and this is replicated across the nation!

Schools are supposed to start back soon, but everything is pointing to online learning again as schools get targeted by Russian bombs. There are inadequate resources for schools to operate the online system and you need internet, which is not available to all. You need books and there are no schoolbooks at all for the children to use. It is thought that many families will flee the area and come to Europe this winter for hope of a better life and better education for their children.

Bohdan told me that they are expecting a very hard winter with many power cuts, shortages of food supplies and a rise in these conflicts within the community. The army are recruiting with new energy as so many deaths occur. Bohdan himself had to present his papers to the authorities again, but thankfully he was given exemption once again.

On Friday, the team went out to the villages where they know people who are housebound and living with infirmity. (see photos above and below from visits earlier in the week). They will primarily give them food parcels as the team have done to families arriving from villages around.

Another family turned up from just outside the area where Pastor Andrew is working in Samotoivka. The children could hear fighting the whole time, which was causing anguish and trauma so they decided to move to Lebedyn. They really had nothing, so the team have been able to feed and clothe them and give them bedding. Our stocks on aid are very low, so this will be our focus over the next few weeks to find help and supplies ready for a tough winter. Please pray for this.

The Local Authority are putting in place new regulations regarding doing children’s work indoors. The team will now need to get special permission from them for these, as well as signed permission from parents. This is another layer of paperwork to navigate. The children’s clubs have delayed their start until 9th September while these processes are implemented. Thankfully, the Centre does have a bomb shelter so there should be no issues, but on Friday the teenagers met outdoors at the Centre for meetings and fun.

The team have found another orphanage operating in a village called Shtepivka. Musical Sergey and the puppet show are trying to organise a visit to go there in the autumn. Also, Svetlana planned to meet with families over this last weekend, as we have more nappies to distribute. Svetlana is also hoping to start a drop in programme for children to help with homework and study. Again, permissions are being sought and new equipment purchased ready for this. English classes hope to resume as well.

The team remain busy and in good spirits, despite the difficulty they are living in. Lyuba is now back at work and doing well, the computer/internet equipment taken out by the lightning strike has been replaced, and the bible school/college is getting ready to open. It is never quiet within this amazing work.

Thank you for your amazing support and prayers. It is so appreciated.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

All the boys standing in their new football shirts

Support the work of Hope Lebedyn:

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Dear Friends,

It has been 2 weeks since my last update as we were away last week. Much has been happening to fill you in with for news, updates and prayer.

Last week Sandra (trustee) and Jez, Karen and I ventured over to Ukraine to meet up with Bohdan, Alla and family, and “Farmer” Sergey. We flew into Slovakia and then managed to get the train into Ukraine, which helped to reduce the time crossing the border. We did not go all the way to Lebedyn as that was deemed too dangerous, but stayed in the Carpathian region, based in a city called Mukachevo.

Bohdan and some of the team were already there for a camp with some of the children, so it made sense for us to join them. They were higher up in the mountains, and had lots of rain so our intended trip to go and meet them there was scuppered as the roads became impassable. The children loved it, and 2 of them became Christians at the camp!

It was so good to meet them “in person” for the first time since the war started. We had time to relax, and to give them a bit of a break, whilst spending lots of time talking about plans for the future and having time to pray together.

There are a few photos that follow that show some of the great time we had. Firstly, of us altogether…………… as we arrived at the station, in the city square, after we presented the football mad boys with their new shirts (which I don’t think they ever took off!), and of the ladies as they had to cover up to visit inside an orthodox church.

We also met up with some mission partners – Mission Eurasia, and visited the iCare food depot from which we have received many of our food parcels. We also visited a church that houses many refugees and has built houses for refugees and camps on their land. Andrew and Marina hosted us for lunch with Pastor Ivan.

During that time we were hosted by a lovely family who were refugees from Mariupol. Their story of how they had to leave everything to get to safety was tough for us to hear, and we wept as they shared with us. They had nothing but still baked for us and made us so welcome.

Nicolai and Valentina were the patriarchs of the family, and they and their son lived alongside two other families. The two other families were Nicolai's daughter, her husband and 3 children, and daughter-in-law and toddler, and the wife of his eldest son. His eldest son was in the military and two days after Russia took over Mariupol they visited their house and took their son, Dima, away with them.

He has been in prison where cruelty and torture is prevalent. They were able to get some communication from their son, but they have not heard now since April regarding his whereabouts. In prison he would have to stand without any support from 6.00am to 10.00pm. They heard from a prisoner swap that their son had not been released as he was so helpful within the prison. As a Christian he would pray and encourage all fellow prisoners and lift their spirits. Even the Russian army knew he had a value to them. Now nothing has been heard. They don’t know whether he is alive, or whether he is in Ukraine still, or in Russia. It is all unknown.

Nicolai was tearful as he shared all of this and how since they left, Russian soldiers had taken over his house, looted everything, destroyed much of the house, and defecated throughout the building leaving it unfit for living in. He asked that we could commit to praying for his son to be released and for his safety, and I said I would share this with this group of people for us all to pray. Therefore, please can I ask you that you pray for this family, and especially for Dima and his safe keeping, and also for Nicolai’s youngest son who has just reached the age to be called up. They are very nervous about this. The picture below shows us with the family. Dima’s wife and toddler are on the right-had side.

The team with the family who fled from Mariupol

In other news……….whilst we were there, in the east of Ukraine, Lebedyn suffered an incredible storm. The area saw floods, and lightning took out the internet cables blowing out the TV screen, computer and router leaving the Centre with no internet. These will now have to be replaced.

Sumy is seeing an incredible amount of military activity. Bohdan told me that Pastor Andrew hears bombs and artillery fire all day long as he is so close to the fighting. Sirens are sounding all the time, crippling industry and heightening tensions in the community. We witnessed sirens going off on the last night in Mukachevo which was a very surreal experience. The number of soldiers arriving in the Sumy area has increased dramatically indicating a higher risk to people.

The Centre activities all start back up over this next week or so with children’s clubs and all kinds of things planned. One family have arrived from Sumy city centre and want to help with the teamwork. He attended camps and the teen club in Lebedyn and then went to university. There, he met his future wife and both became Christians. He told Bohdan that the work that was done in the Centre had a massive impact on his life. He is now fully trained and works from home at a high level in IT. He is also working with the youth in the big Sumy Baptist church so would like to get involved in helping in Lebedyn. Both he and his wife speak fluent English as she studied English at the university.

There is lots to be done, but after a little break and a reset, Bohdan and team seem set for what will be a challenging season ahead. I will update over the next few weeks as to what is going to be happening.

Lastly, whilst there we took a drive into the beautiful Carpathian mountains. It was in Mukachevo that Stuart Hine planted a church and penned the first part of the hymn “How great thou art”. Sadly, we did not find that church but we did go up into the mountains to see the beauty there. It was stunning, but sadly for us a very wet afternoon. We got very wet and decided to change the chorus to “How wet we are!”

The last verse of this hymn was written and added when Stuart Hine saw the need of the people and wrote this to give them hope:
When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation,
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
Then I shall bow, in humble adoration,
And then proclaim: "My God, how great Thou art!

Our experience is that the hope Bohdan and team have in what is eternal enables them to persevere with their calling to love the people, and help all those they can. It is interesting to note that since our return Bohdan told me that they day after we left, the region we were staying in was bombed for the first time for over a year!

I am so grateful for all your continued support both financially and prayerfully. We had over 50 people praying everyday we were away, and we are thankful for a safe return.

Normal updates will resume now.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

A leader and children standing on a stage in a marquee in front of other children seated on the floor of a marquee at the Young Life 2023 Summer Camp

Support the work of Hope Lebedyn:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

Another week has passed where the military activity has once again increased.

Sumy has had some large bombs descend upon it, making our news over here. The school that was bombed, where 2 people have died, is not too far away from where Larisa’s orphanage operates from. Sadly, it has been deemed too dangerous for the team to facilitate a summer camp in 2 weeks’ time in Samotoivka, being its so close to the border and where much of the increased activity is taking place. Instead, Bohdan will take teams over on several days to do activities with the children in that area, and hopefully the puppet theatre will go as well, as and when it is deemed safe.

This week, Bohdan has taken a large group of children camping. Needless to say this is not in the Sumy region, but much nearer to the west in a camp near the Carpathian mountains where it is much safer. Sadly, the bad weather we have experienced in the UK, they have shared, making it very muddy and cold! Bohdan’s family are struggling with the cold and wet, and it is not ideal with little ones to be camping in these conditions! I think the site is more rural than expected. However, the kids have enjoyed themselves and they finish and go back to Lebedyn over the weekend. As there has been little communications signal I have not had much info through to be able to share. One picture I have had is at the top of this page showing them having a good time!

The weather has caused havoc back in Lebedyn. Torrential rain with lightening and thunder created much damage. The street where Bohdan lives was hit badly, with many losing electrical appliances. At the Centre the office computer and printer burnt out! Bohdan has said that he has never witnessed such bad weather as this over a summer. Even without the usual team at the Centre, they are still helping people with aid and food as and when they arrive.

There will not be an update next week as I am away travelling, and will update as soon as I can upon my return. They will be plenty of new news to share then.

Thank you once again for all your support and prayer. It is much appreciated.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

A group of the orphaned children who moved to Austria with Larisa sitting on the floor holding crafts they have made about their families

Support the work of Hope Lebedyn:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

This week has been a calmer week for the team with no camps happening. Instead they have been working on-site with the drainage and development of the playground, and helping those that have come to the Centre.

On Sunday/Monday the 4th camp week starts as they attend a new camp with some of the older children, and those that have worked hard with the puppet theatre. There will be other children from the region there. Bohdan, Farmer Sergey, Svetlana and Valentine will take them as they are going to another campsite where they will actually camp for a week. We hope and pray for safe travel and a great time. Sadly, Lyuba will not be joining them as she still grieves the loss of her baby.

The camp for the teenagers went very well last week despite all the sirens and some visits to the bomb shelter! They didn’t want it to end, and many of them still came to the Centre over the weekend for all the other various activities going on within the church and Centre.

Like with the children’s camps, a video has been created by the team in Lebedyn. You can view this on our website by clicking here. Or, you can view by visiting our Hope Lebedyn page on Facebook.

In the Sumy region sirens have been going off every day with missiles launched into the region and beyond. Sumy city itself has been hit many times. The level of activity seems to increase each week. They now estimate that 300,000 soldiers are now encamped along the border with Russia, but they don’t know whether they will attack Sumy or Kharkiv first. Kharkiv would be the best prize for the Russians, but if that city falls it will impact the Sumy region.

In Samotoivka, where Pastor Andrew is based, he hears bombs locally. He has taken in more abandoned and orphaned children. As a result, the government want to move him to a “safer” place, but so far Pastor Andrew is resisting this due to all the work they are doing there by taking in orphans and helping the vulnerable and elderly.

Bohdan has also not heard from his friend Pastor Elijah in the south who I mentioned had been put under house arrest in a previous update. He has tried for the past 2 weeks to contact him, but sadly there has been no response.

Most of you will remember Alla, our children’s worker who left with her family to go to Germany. Her mother-in-law was captured by the Russians and has overcome her injuries. Her husband and Alla’s father-in-law are still stuck in the Donetsk region in Russian occupied territory, and they will not let him out or anyone to see him. For now, her mother-in-law has had to flee to Germany to be with Alla and Tolik. A sad reminder of the brutality and effect on families this war is having.

This week I heard from Larisa and the children of the orphanage. She wrote: “We are still in Austria, trying to find different activities for the kids during the holidays. In all their crafts and drawings, the children show that they want to go home, or have a family. Now we are doing our best to find them parents. We have several tasks. At the moment it is the construction of a bomb shelter in Sumy. We have already done a lot to start it. The second, is to find money to send humanitarian aid to Ukraine”. We will be helping with the aid to the Centre in Sumy, as she said that this past week has seen unprecedented levels of orphaned or abandoned children arrive. Below are some pictures of the children – all growing up fast and missing their homeland.

This week we also received a further quantity of the Jesus Story Book Bible, which the children really love. Every child of a suitable age was given a copy at this year’s camps. We are very thankful for the gift of these. Rather surprisingly 400 kilos of rice came with it!! We are not sure who this came from, but it is helping a lot of families!

Thank you again for your support, for those that pray for the team and the work that is done. It is incredible the level of support that is still happening and we are enormously grateful.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

The team have put together a highlights video from the teenagers' week of the 2023 Summer Camps.

Once again, despite all that they are living through, it's fantastic to see these young people playing games together, worshipping, praying, learning, and generally having a great time!

Children Running around the field at the Centre playing a game during the teenagers Summer Camp 2023

Support the work of Hope Lebedyn:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

This week the camp for teenagers took place and the team were very busy so there is a shorter update than usual.

The camp has gone well and, as expected, more teenagers turned up with 85 teens regularly attending. For the first time, there has been some opposition to the work the team are doing at the centre with workers from the local electricity company questioning what they are doing and why they can be so happy all the time! They are not seeing the good that is going on.

While they have been at the Centre, Sergey took a team to Larisa’s orphanage to encourage them. They currently only have 16 children living there, but that is because some families have taken children into their homes which is good news given the news below. This is what Pastor Andrew has done in his house in Samotoivka, taking in 3 extra children.

There are sad stories to contend with each day of how this war impacts the lives of the children and youth. One local boy attending who is known to the team, has his father fighting in the war in the south, and on Wednesday he found out that his father has gone missing in action. He is obviously finding this tough. This is just one family affected by the war, and when you multiply it across the land you realise what damage this war is creating.

Prayer requests as the danger increases...

In the region there has been a noticeable increase once again in military activity. Villages and town within 10 kms of the Russian border throughout Sumy have been told to evacuate as bombs, missiles and drones are sent over from Russia. It is believed that there are over 100,000 Russian soldiers encamped along the border once again, like in February 2022, and ready to attack. It is thought that they want to plan another offensive to take Kharkiv.

This morning Bohdan told me that a large rocket hit a children’s camp site in Sumy itself. Thankfully, there were no children on site, but one of the workers was sleeping in the accommodation and was killed. In our conversation he told me that although the sirens would regularly sound 10 months ago they were only for short periods. Now they seem to last forever, and many more rockets, and drones especially, are being sent over.

Bohdan has asked that we could pray for the camps as it is very difficult to run something like this in a war situation with sirens sounding. Secondly, for the children, as some have parents that have died, some who are wounded, some who are away fighting, and others who are missing. It is so difficult for them to comprehend the love of God when they live with so much suffering.

Thank you all so much for your ongoing support and for the many gifts that have come through. It has been amazing.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

A group of teenagers sitting around a table in Bohdan's office as part of a Bible study

Support the work of Hope Lebedyn:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

This week has been quieter for the team as they have been able to catch their breath with a week off between camps.

Within the region there still remains a high level of military activity. Yesterday sirens sounded all day and, whilst we were talking earlier, the air raid siren was sounding. Lebedyn itself is not seeing any direct military activity, but as you go towards Sumy city and Samotoivka, where Pastor Andrew is, then it is pretty heavy with lots of artillery fire as well as missiles.

Week 2 of the camps...

These finished on a high! The children have loved their time at the camp. Bohdan said that by the end of both weeks so far there has been a notable change in their behaviour and attitudes. They planned for 75 children,but in the end 120 turned up which was a challenge, especially when they had to go into the bomb shelter, as with leaders and helpers there was 140 people crammed in. The kitchen staff remained in the kitchen cooking for the children!!

For the first time ever Bohdan has been receiving letters from the parents thanking them for the work done. Many have stated that the children received so much love and attention, and they as parents saw a massive change in their behaviour. The children have remembered everything that was shared as they have been telling them about it all. Seemingly they don’t do this when attending school (if they can!).

Over these past few weeks the regional government office have done a poll to all school children in years 1-5 within the city of Lebedyn. The question that was asked was “where do you like to rest and feel safe”. Top of the poll when finished was the Hope Lebedyn Centre! The camps, clubs and church were all mentioned. The reason Bohdan found this out is someone from the government called to find out more about what they are doing! This shows the amazing and positive impact the work is having within the community and the region of Sumy.

We now have a wonderful video of the camps held with the children which was created by Sasha in Lebedyn . Click here to watch it! It is also on our Facebook page here, where you can share it with your friends if you would like.

News of the team...

During this week, the team have still been giving aid and food out and meeting with people. There has been quite a need lately for items for the those that are disabled, including things like incontinence pads. It would appear that shops have run out, so we are looking to see if we can get some and visit those that need help. They have all been working on the grounds as well, preparing better drainage around the Activity Centre, and to the new groundwork of the playground. The youth do not want to stay away either, and come most days to play in the grounds or study together.

"Farmer" Sergey's ordination...

Last Sunday “farmer” Sergey was ordained as a leader and deacon of the church. This so good for Bohdan to have his closest friend alongside him working together in such a way.

The next camp starts on Monday and this time for the teenagers. Please pray for them, especially for safety and a great time. Bohdan told me earlier that they set out to have 50 teenagers. It is now over 75 that are registered, and he think this too might top 100 like with the younger children. Let’s hope and pray for fine weather!!

Thank you for your continued support and prayers they are much appreciated.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

The team have put together a highlights video from the first week of the 2023 Summer Camps.

It's great to see the children having loads of fun despite the circumstances they're living in!

Support the work of Hope Lebedyn:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

What a week it was last week! Increased military activity, the threat of nuclear destruction, hailstones the size of marbles, sweltering heat and then the coldest day on record for this time of year!

Summer Camp update...

Bohdan told me earlier that week 2 of the summer camps has been the most challenging week they have ever had. On Monday, over 30 more children than planned turned up. As they were playing sirens rang out as the whole Sumy region was under serious attack. In the end, they had to cut the day short to get children home safely. Tuesday was a sweltering day with temperatures hitting mid 30’s. By the end of the day, Ukraine’s President was making announcements on Twitter and on local radio that they suspected that Russia would bomb the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, and nobody would be safe from the fall out. So far this has not happened, but in the news we see a lot of discussion around this issue.

On Wednesday, they wondered whether they would get any children attending due to the messages that were released, but all came back. The children arrived with missiles firing in the region, so the first hour or so was spent in the bomb shelter. Bohdan said it was very tight and over 100 people in the shelter was very cramped. By 11.00am they were all out and back on schedule, but the heavens opened with a massive hailstorm which hurt if you were out in it! Bohdan text me to say “missiles and rockets in the morning and hail in the afternoon – everything is raining on us!”

Here are some pictures…..

The good news is that Thursday, there were no sirens and no rain! The trampoline pictured below caused one accident. That was with Bohdan’s son Lubomir, who fell and damaged his teeth!!

More pictures to enjoy from the camp!

In other news...

Pastor Andrew in Samotoivka has been under enormous pressure as there has been lots of bombing and gunfire in his area. All are currently safe, but it has been nerve wracking at times.

Many others stay connected with Bohdan from around the country. One of those people is Pastor Elijah who went to college with Bohdan and is based in Berdyansk, which is under Russian occupation. He has been captured 6 times, and tortured for information and to make him stop helping other people. He is now under house arrest so that neither he nor his young family can escape to safety. They have been told they will be shot if they try to escape. He has asked that we pray for them as a family.

On Thursday, while the camp is running Bohdan, met with a soldier who asked to talk and for help. He has seen so much on the frontline it has had a deep impact into his life. He has asked Bohdan to pray with him. People still come to the Centre for help with food and clothes, and they are helped whenever they can.

On other team news, Sasha is not doing that well. He suffers with an acute condition and this wet and unpredictable weather does not help his immune system. Svetlana is doing very well and Bohdan has said she has fitted into the team quickly. “Farmer Sergey” this Sunday is being ordained as a deacon and onto the leadership of the church and Centre following his graduation. He is very excited, as are we, with this news.

Thank you so much for those of you that have supported the appeal letter we sent out. In 2 weeks we have raised 50% of the total which is staggering.

This week there are no camps planned which will give the team a chance to breathe, and to be able to catch up other things. It is unknown as yet whether the camp for those with disability will be able to go ahead due to the increased military activity, but after week's break the camp starts for the teenagers.

Thanks so much for your continued support. It is greatly appreciated.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

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    From 17th - 24th February we are holding a week of prayer as we remember the 2nd anniversary of the war in Ukraine.
    To help you pray, we've created a PDF guide that contains some daily prayer points. 

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