If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.
Dear Friends,
We start with the good news that the Autumn Camp finished well. Bohdan said it was one of the best yet. Throughout the week they expected sirens and even bombs, but once again there were none through all the time they were together. At night, there would be activity, but thankfully this did not put off parents sending their children.
A short video showing you some of the fun and activities of the children can be found by clicking on this link which takes you directly to our Hope Lebedyn YouTube channel - I'm crafted - Autumn Camp 2024 - Hope Lebedyn
This week the team have had a quieter week as many have gone down with seasonal colds. Away from Lebedyn, the Sumy region, and especially the village of Samotoivka, have been hit badly. There is constant noise of bombs exploding. The fighting along the border is getting quite fierce and dangerous. Bohdan has been asked to go towards the border, under escort, to visit soldiers that are fighting on the front line to pray and give encouragement. We cannot report as to when and where for obvious reasons, but please do continue to pray for Bohdan as he reaches out to help.
The new badges that have been made have arrived and been given out as you can see above (faces must be blotted out when showing pictures of soldiers in uniform).
The team have also been helping military families with aid which has been much appreciated.
Within Ukraine, and not just in Sumy, there has been a growing problem and concern as to how people are conscripted to join the army. There are disturbing stories we are hearing, where unofficial roadblocks by mercenary bounty hunters will stop vehicles and take those men who are of the right age to train and fight, even if they have proper exemption papers. They will try to then extort ransom money for release, and they usually still end up handing them over to the army.
Another organisation who we link to have reported just this week of such an event happening. I will call them Sergey and Anna, to keep anonymity. They were heading to another city to teach, but they were stopped by one of these groups en-route. Sergey is a theologian/Pastor, and he and Anna are newlyweds. They were about to be inducted as a new pastor of a church near Kyiv this Sunday. Sergey had his papers with him proving his exemption, but they could/would not verify these so took him away to a secret holding place with no phone or anything to contact his wife. They then demanded money for his release. They have a lawyer and many other prominent people trying to help, but recent information is that he has been transferred to “repair tanks” and then possibly the front line.
Sadly, I report that Bohdan too has been caught up in this action this week. He had Monday as a day off and walked up the road to see a neighbour on the street where they live. A police car pulled alongside to ask for his papers. He had them at his house a few yards away, but they would not let him go back to get them. He was taken to Sumy City to the army headquarters/military commission to be processed to go and fight, but he knew some of the military people there as he had helped them and their families. Because the police said they caught him on the street he was charged with being out without his papers, and must go to the military court on Thursday. Svetlana, the lady I wrote about in the summer in a report, who owns the local bakery and is also a lawyer, offered her services to help Bohdan and their hope was that he would be able to walk free, or probably have a fine of around $400. However, just last night, I had an update to say that Svetlana knew all the procedures and the people who detained him. She wrote to them firmly to say that if they were to continue with a prosecution she would take them personally to court over this and she would win! Apparently her reputation goes before her!! They wrote back to her yesterday morning to say that they would forgive Bohdan not having his papers on his body as his papers were in his car for when he went out.
We have one relieved and thankful Mission Director, along with me!! So, normal service resumes but it shows how dangerous and unsafe it is to be out and about.
The roofer who has been contracted to fix some holes and water damage caused by bombs at the start of the war did not turn up for work after he started last week. It transpires he too has been whisked off, and Bohdan thinks he will be on the front-line in two weeks.
Generators have now all been installed so the Centre can be fully functional when power cuts out. There are two generators as below that work off gas or conventional fuel, and one solar powered generator that powers the office.
The work within the sewing team goes from strength to strength. Bedding has been taken to both Lebedyn and Sumy hospitals, and to a local orphanage which had very little bedding left.
Some better news to end this update with. For many months Lena (administrator volunteer within the Centre) has been struggling with her son having been killed in the war, and her husband struggling with cancer. Two months ago her husband was transferred to Sumy Hospital as he was told he had just days left to live. He had been bed bound for many weeks. Bohdan visited them over the weekend, and to his surprise, found he was up and about, so they went out for a walk together. He was weak but he is getting stronger day by day!
Gala was someone else I mentioned, as she too had been diagnosed with cancer and awaiting an operation. That has successfully happened, but she now must go through a chemotherapy course. She has three young children, the youngest being just 2 years old.
We have mentioned in recent updates about Vladmir who too is unwell, but able to get out now. Over the weekend he was driving to Okhtyrka, but his car broke down. Being weak, and it being quite a dangerous area, he did not know what to do. Some soldiers were nearby, but they are not supposed to help. He got out of the car to chat to them and the young soldier said to let him have a look as he knew about car engines. He managed to fix the car. Vladimir thanked him and the solder said, “No - thank you! I recognised you when I saw you get out of the car. You are Vladamir?” It transpired that this young soldier grew up in Lebedyn and came to one of the camp weeks held at the Centre, and Vladamir was helping and on team then. The camp must have been many years back, but a bond was forged and this soldier was able to help him in his time of need because the camp had a deep impact on his life.
We do not know the full effect the camp weeks have on the children. These are an oasis of fun, laughter and friendship as children of all ages gather together. They will also hear of a hope that is not found in guns or war. We now press on to plan for the Christmas programme!
Thank you for your continued support and prayers.
Every blessing
Peter Martin
Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn
If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.
Dear Friends,
I’m pleased to be able to write that the Autumn Camp has taken place this week.
85 children arrived, with many other requests by parents for their children to attend turned down as there were simply not enough helpers to take more. These parents were upset. However, the team have been able to have some good chats, and have invited all to the weekly children’s clubs which they were happy about. Bohdan expects numbers now to increase for these as a result. Here are a few pictures:
Bohdan has said that the camp has been a miracle. Despite what we have often seen with previous camps, there have been no power cuts or air raid sirens. The children have loved the week, and have been able to communicate well about all that is happening in their life. Most are very concerned for family members that are away fighting on the front line. A fuller report will be available in a few weeks with stories and more pictures.
The realities of this war are still having huge impact on daily living. Wednesday, Bohdan had to drive to Sumy which took much longer than anticipated. Checkpoints are more widely placed throughout the region with increased soldiers, and they are being far more thorough. It is getting more challenging and even more dangerous to get around the region.
Bohdan’s good friend, whose children came to the Summer Camp, was conscripted late summer. Yesterday Bohdan found out that he had been quite seriously wounded whilst in an armoured military carrier. All his colleagues were sadly killed, and the trauma of this will stay with him forever. These stories are being repeated more and more within family life in Ukraine. This week, figures have stated that over 1,600 Russian soldiers have been killed in a day. This number keeps on increasing. The loss of life on both sides is staggering and so hard to imagine.
The team have started visiting an elderly lady who sadly lost her husband earlier this year through natural causes. She has not been out of the house since that time as she is not physically able to do much. They have taken in food and bread to her, and now visit regularly to help. She has no family nearby anymore.
Another large family in the area needed some urgent help so they were able to visit them as well and do what they can. See below.
At the Centre, services have been taking place as well as the camps, with growing attendance. To cope with this their new generator has been converted to use propane gas as well as conventional fuel, as it is much cheaper. This generator is so effective it will power everything when there are power cuts in both of the buildings, with the exception of the kitchen as this takes a special phased supply for all the commercial ovens and equipment. Computer classes and homegroups have growing numbers attending, so there is much activity going on.
The government are insisting that schools go back after this break, but as Bohdan has said - it simply is not safe! The bomb shelter at the school is woefully inadequate as it is constantly damp, has no toilets and has little heating. If required to use, not all children would fit in. There is a parents meeting to discuss this over these next few days.
On Sunday, we were able to have a video chat with Bohdan’s family. They had been over to visit Pastor Andrew, and sadly they found out he has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. At present they are struggling to get the right drugs for this condition. In addition to pastoring the church in Samotoivka, he works in a specialist manufacturing plant making flooring that is sold in Europe, and the factory was demolished due to a bomb over the weekend which is adding to his stress. Please pray he will be able to get the correct medication and will be able to keep working.
Thank you for all your continued support and prayers. They really are appreciated. Please do keep praying for everyone’s safety in these difficult days.
Every blessing
Peter Martin
Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn
If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.
Dear Friends,
This week started with a text from Bohdan to inform us that Sumy and Samotoivka have been under the heaviest fire so far. We have been trying to get hold of Pastor Andrew since this time, but have had no answer as I write this update. We think that’s because communications are down and can but pray that’s the only reason. Bohdan drove over to Sumy and said that the damage was extensive as there had been some big hits, and the death toll in the region is high.
The call-up process is still hard for Ukrainians as they continue taking people off the streets without the right paperwork for military duty. It is important that everyone carries their papers with them. One member of the church said her son was on a bus in the locality, and he was taken off by soldiers at a checkpoint and sent to a training base far away. On Yesterday, Bohdan went back to the military commission to see if they will give him what is known as his “White Paper” which gives him permission to drive around the region, without which he wouldn’t be safe to drive outside of Lebedyn. We pray this goes smoothly and as the papers last for 6 months, gives him a little time before starting the process again.
Below are 2 pictures of Sophia. At the start of the war Sophia contracted cancer, and just a few weeks back the cancer had become so aggressive they had to amputate Sophia’s left leg. They also told her that there was one specific drug that could help her, but the hospital in Lebedyn could not get it, and it was so expensive the family could not afford to buy it. There are no free drugs in Ukraine! Sasha knew the family as did Bohdan’s sister, so they asked for help. When Bohdan was in Kyiv recently, he tried to find a source for the drug, but nobody could help. However, after much research they did find a source for the drug, and he was able to purchase a full course of treatment to help them using monies sent out from donations for emergency needs.
The hospitals are really struggling to keep up. There are not enough medics and nursing staff, as they have gone to the front line, and equipment has either broken down or is just inadequate for all they are doing. The shortage of bedding means the Centre team keep making these items for them. Due to a lack of resources, they try not to see locals, but Vladamir, one of the ex-pastors of the Centre, has been re-admitted to the hospital as he became very unwell again. A new doctor there has found out more about his condition and they are trying some new medication which seems to be helping him.
Due to regular power outages it was difficult to bake the bread, but in the end they did manage around 300 loaves for distribution. 100 people came to a service at the church and the rest were distributed to the people stuck at home, the elderly and the very poor.
Lebedyn is still a town of transition. Many local people are leaving fearful for what the future holds. At the same time, more people come into the town as refugees having left everything behind in demolished buildings. Even within the church, Bohdan is seeing a huge turnover of people come and go. The impact of the war on each and every person takes its toll in so many ways. In the meantime, the team continue faithfully in their work. Children’s and youth clubs continue and “Musical” Sergey now has 20 people in his puppet theatre, creating 3 teams to do shows. They tell stories from the Bible in a contemporary way with music, fun and interaction.
In addition to the above, the team have been planning for their autumn camp next week. They launched this on Monday, and in just a few hours all 76 places had been filled. They allow extra places for refugee children that arrive and also some from the orphanages. In total, there will be between 85-100 children. Some extra team members have been found to help, so everyone is excited this is planning to go ahead. Please do pray for this week though, as with the region under heavy attack, this is a big undertaking and responsibility.
In our time together this week, I asked Bohdan what were the worst and best things that had happened since our last meeting. The worst was witnessing the number of dead bodies in the Sumy area when he visited. It shocked them as they saw the reality of the war like this.
He then shared the best things:
At the top of the page is a photo of Jana. She is Nicolai’s daughter. You might remember that in the past few weeks we have asked for prayer for Nicolai (our lorry and aid driver) as he was in a serious crash near Okhtyrka, and thankfully remains off ventilators as he recovers. Jana lived a little way away from the Centre but still came to the camps, where she became a Christian. She is now married and lives in the neighbouring region a few hundred miles away. She looks after children with additional needs and helps within her church. They have nothing to give to others so Bohdan has been able to send some food, a little aid, Bibles, literature, and bedding to help them out. There is so much need there. Jana still sees the church and Centre in Lebedyn as her spiritual home.
Thank you all so much for the gifts we still have coming in regularly. It makes such a difference along with your support. We continue to pray for the work the team do there, and especially for the autumn camp coming up.
Every blessing
Peter Martin
Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn
If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.
Dear Friends,
Another week passes which has seen many surprises and challenges. Power is starting to be rationed again, so the solar generator in the office has been put to good use. The past 3 nights have been quiet. Many of you will have read that Ukraine destroyed some ammunition storehouses within Russia, and it is thought that these contained many of the drones that were used in this area. They are thankful for some good night’s sleep.
It is now dangerous to drive outside of the town. Journeys to Kyiv are difficult, as anyone under 55 gets stopped, and it is more than likely they will be instantly commandeered into the army there and then. This happened to Valentine’s friend - they took him straight to training, but he is studying and has exemption papers so now he has a lawyer trying to fight this. This issue hampers the work of the team as they are struggling to get out to see many of the churches, orphanages and centres. One married young lady, who previously came to camps and youth work at Lebedyn, lives in a village on the other side of the Sumy region and has reached out to Bohdan for help. They need aid, Bibles, literature, and support as things are bad there. Bohdan is limited in what he can do, but will drive over with what he can get hold of.
Aid is a big issue, and most appeals are now focused on the Middle East, which is perfectly understandable, but it does mean it is getting so short within Ukraine. We are still trying to find ways to obtain some aid.
One of the largest employers within the region, who have multiple factories including in Lebedyn, have decided to relocate to the west, therefore making many redundant. This is a huge blow to the Sumy region, and will cause a greater level of poverty and need through the winter.
This week Bohdan called to say that he had to urgently re-submit his papers to the military commission, and to prove why he should not be called up. This is a new law, and men must prove that they are married, and not divorced, and have four or more children under 18, as that is the normal exemption. We asked many to pray for him when we heard this. Bohdan has been given an official Pastors/Chaplains diploma certificate which he took along within him. Bohdan shared that when he went in to wait he could hear grown men crying, wailing and screaming as they were led away to fight and join the army. As you can imagine this disturbed him. The moment came for Bohdan to see a soldier who would interview him. He told me he looked fierce, as did many of them. These soldiers are hardened warriors who have fought on the front line and can no longer fight due to injury, so they have little compassion for those that don’t want to fight. As he sat down, he was aware that many of the soldiers started to stand. This was because the Colonel in charge of the army in the Lebedyn region had entered the room. The Colonel looked around the room and came over toward Bohdan. He said to the soldier “Don’t touch him – he does a great work with the soldiers and families”, and walked off. Bohdan must still wait 7 days for his answer, but the fact that he was not taken straight away, as others had been, and that the Colonel himself had spoken up for him, does bode well. As many were praying we don’t see this as coincidence but answered prayer. We keep praying for this situation.
While this was happening, bread had been baked, with over 300 loaves for distribution. Many came to the Centre and attended the service first. Three people became Christians as a result. Many turn up to the Centre just for help, and bread was also given here. After this, Bohdan and Alla led their homegroup and another lad, also called Valentine, became a Christian and all said it was the best time ever. Bohdan was really encouraged.
Children and youth clubs, regular computer classes (as above), homegroups, sewing groups for making more bedding, plus many other things still happen every week. The team are preparing for the Autumn camp, and the requests for children to come will be greater than places available. Schools are closed and Bohdan does not think that they will open at all through Winter. Therefore, children are missing out on social engagement and development amongst everything else, so parents are keen for their children to be able to mix like this. The biggest problem we have is that team members are hard to find. Students at university have not been given time off, and many of the people previously who have helped have fled the area as it is so dangerous. Bohdan has put an SOS out to other churches for help.
Lebedyn has a medical college attached to the hospital which also has a big underground bomb shelter so they can keep training. The previous clinical lead of the college was a Christian and asked Bohdan to take services, and this request has come back in from the new doctor in charge. Three people from the church are studying there, and there is much need to help the new doctors and nurses cope with the trauma they see.
Last week, I mentioned about Nicolai, our aid driver, who was in a serious RTA near Okhtyrka. Since last week doctors have performed 2 operations, and he is now off a ventilator and is breathing on his own. We continue to pray for him.
There are many things I admire amongst the team. Very rarely when we speak are they downhearted. Whenever something must change they find another way to continue their work and ministry, and the love they show for one another and the people in their community is an example to us all. At the top of the page is a picture of Farmer Sergey, Valentine and Bohdan when they were young lads attending the work 12 years ago. Bohdan was the youth leader, and Farmer Sergey and Valentine went along to the youth clubs. Today the three of them are leaders within the work, and are pictured below at Kyiv Theological seminary a few weeks back. It is such great testimony to the work done over the years.
As always thank you for your support in so many ways. It is much appreciated!
Every blessing
Peter Martin
Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn
If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.
Dear Friends,
The situation in the Sumy region remains largely the same. Every day explosions are being heard within the Lebedyn area giving stark reminders of all the fighting going on around them. Bohdan’s house has been shaken on more than one occasion through drones or missiles being shot down by defence systems. As we spoke this week, sirens sounded and a large explosion happened.
We shared last week that Bohdan was in hospital and we are pleased to say that he is now home, but none the wiser as to the cause of his problems. When Bohdan was a young man he had an accident resulting in a head trauma which was very serious at the time. Miraculously he pulled through and has had very little problems since. Sadly, they think that the problems he is facing are possibly linked to that trauma and could be significant. He goes to Sumy City hospital next week for a further assessment, and then will have to see a specialist consultant to determine diagnosis and treatment. Please do pray for him and for the doctors through this tough period for him and his family.
Bohdan was in good spirits and not downhearted by all that has gone on. Whilst in hospital he was able to chat and pray with wounded soldiers and gave many Bibles out. This has inspired him to do more to help the soldiers and families. We still seek further aid which seems to be in short supply, but the team are now looking at different ways they can help them. The soldiers love the bread delivered to them, and the constant theme and request for help seems to be prayer, even from those that seemingly have no faith. Bohdan is producing a badge which can be sewn onto their tunics – pictured below.
This translates to being “The Lord is my strength, my shield and salvation”. These will be given out with prayer booklets to both wounded and active soldiers to remind them they are being prayed for.
The bakery is still busy, and each week people are coming to the Centre to various services to collect loaves, and those that are not so mobile the team visit to give out bread. On Tuesday one lady visited for the first time and became a Christian as a result!
All other activities continue, with the children’s clubs and youth meetings taking place. At the children’s club over 40 children turned up despite the sirens sounding. Homegroups still meet as you can see at the top of the page. This is Valentines group!
Over 100 sets of bedding have been made and delivered over the past few weeks and more are in progress. Visitation is hard to do because hospitals are targeted so once you are in hospital you are very isolated and alone.
There are some other key points to share for information and prayer.
On a more positive note:
Thank you for your continued support and prayers. The war with Russia still seems to escalate further with many lives being lost. We can only do what we can in this region, but your support helps the team to be so much more effective.
Every blessing
Peter Martin
Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn
If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.
Dear Friends,
This last week began with the bad news that Bohdan was in hospital in Sumy.
He had been speaking in Samotoivka on Sunday, having driven back from a successful Baptist Union event in Kiev on Saturday that was to help refresh leaders. He had suffered with pain in his legs during the drive which became much worse, and was subsequently diagnosed as a blood clot.
The good news is that by the end of the week Bohdan is feeling much better, and was hoping to be released today, Friday.
The team are doing well, although Lyuba has been suffering with a bad cold, and the youth and children's clubs have still be taking place.
As you can see from the photo above, some of the newly made bed linen has been completed, and is beginning to be distributed!
Bohdan had a good time with Pastor Andrew in Samotoivka, despite the dangers in the village. The situation in the region continues to worsen though. People are facing difficult decisions, and many church members and leaders are beginning to leave the area for safer regions in the west of Ukraine.
Many areas have seen all but the elderly flee, and Lebedyn hospital is beginning to fill with young wounded soldiers who, in Bohdan's words, are lying in their beds without hope in their eyes. He is determined to see them reached with the Gospel!
Thank you all for the support you give both financially and prayerfully. The team are so encouraged by knowing that they have people praying for them.
Every blessing
Peter Martin
Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn
If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.
Dear Friends,
The war has felt very close to Lebedyn this week. Whilst on a call with us, there was a large explosion over Bohdan's house, which shook the building. Thankfully, there was no damage. The noise was from a drone being shot down overhead.
On Tuesday, the team baked a record 354 loaves, and several hundred pies to give away. They were also able to hold a service, to which 130 people turned up to hear the Gospel and receive donations of bread.
They have also begun sewing bedding for the wounded soldiers. Bohdan has been to visit the head doctor of the local hospital this week. He has been given permission to go into the hospital to give bread and bedding to the wounded from the war, including soldiers. This is a unique privilege, and an amazing testimony to the work of Bohdan and the team in the community. So, as you can see from the pictures, the team have been busy sewing new bedding! As a reminder, patients have to provide their own bedding in hospital.
Last Saturday, the children's club went ahead, with many more attending than they were expecting, which is amazing! Later in the afternoon, the youth also came to the Centre and they were over run with numbers as well. Praise God!
Some of the team were also able to visit Okhtyrka to help take the service there, which was a real encouragement to all involved.
Thank you all for the support you give both financially and prayerfully. The team are so encouraged by knowing that they have people praying for them.
Every blessing
Peter Martin
Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn
If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.
Dear Friends,
This week has been as tough as any before, with the constant air sirens sounding all day long. Bombs are being shot down daily over the town, as well as all the others locally in the region. Everyday life is getting harder and harder. This has been exemplified by the growing difficulty to access banks and cash. This has been a big frustration for Bohdan this week. Schools have now officially cancelled all after-school activities as children have not been able to return since the summer holidays, so along with power issues, it is now becoming even more difficult to educate the children.
Activities are still happening within the Centre, but with much caution. The advice given is not to publicly announce what and when it is happening at the Centre as there have been several cases of events targeted by snipers in the region. This is especially with kindergartens, schools and universities. Therefore, we will not be able to say publicly when things are happening in the future.
This past Sunday the church celebrated Harvest, and there were many more than anticipated turn up given the conditions. They put on a display of produce, much of which had been grown within the Centre grounds, but if you look closely the display in the photo at the top of the page it forms a map of Ukraine, with each different piece of fruit or veg representing the Oblasts (counties). Sumy is the top right hand corner!
Pastor Andrew came from Samotoivka and bought a number of people with him. He spoke at the church service, and the team were able to send back with him bags of aid that had been purchased to help those in need.
Since last winter, many have been praying for Lena who has worked at the Centre. Her son was killed in the battlefields in the south, and has never been repatriated for burial. Her husband was given only a week or so to live, and that was 2 months ago. Bohdan visited them this past Sunday, and her husband is doing really well and doctors are amazed and don’t know how he is still alive. Bohdan said he looks better than ever! However, we also know that Lena lost her grandchild at the start of the war, and this past week her other son has returned form the war having been seriously injured. He is at home, but suffering as most of his stomach had to be removed following impact from a nearby bomb. Please keep praying for this family.
Bohdan sent through some other news and prayer requests:
The above stories show how the war is impacting families in everyday life. Health care is hard to get and people fear death. Those who have a faith are showing that they still have a purpose to live through the war. Margarite is a young lady we have mentioned before. Today Bohdan told me that after she became a Christian this summer her parents sent her away to Lviv to live with her sister. They did not agree with her decision. She is flourishing there and her grandma keeps in touch with her. Margarite shared her faith with her grandma, and now she comes along to the church and Centre every week!
Lastly, please can we pray for Farmer Sergey. The university he applied to raised the bar so high on entrance exam qualification he failed his exams, and therefore does not have a university place. Traditionally, his result would have given him a very high mark, possibly a distinction. This places him at high risk for being called up to the army to fight. Bohdan so values his help on the team so please pray that he can stay around.
Thank you all for the support given both financially and prayerfully through these difficult days. It is so encouraging to know many are standing with the team out in Lebedyn and the work they are doing.
Every blessing
Peter Martin
Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn
If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.
Dear Friends,
This past week has seen yet more increase in military activity in the region, causing much concern within communities.
On Monday in the special update, we reported how Larisa’s orphanage had been hit with a bomb. It would appear that the damage is far worse than originally thought. Because it is feared that orphanages are being targeted, they are staying in a safe house (location unknown) as they plan what to do next and where to go. Larisa is hoping to rebuild the centre, but this work cannot continue until Sumy city becomes safe again.
Last night was one of the noisiest nights in Lebedyn. All major cities and regions were hit badly, and even in Lebedyn drones and missiles were being shot down. The other night one drone was shot down just 800 metres from Bohdan’s house. The children were especially scared as the house shook with the force of the blast. The university that Valentyn attends and sometimes stays over at was bombed last night. The halls of residence were completely destroyed.
New laws have come in that state that children and young people are not allowed out in the evenings. This of course will have some impact on what the team are doing, but already they are finding ways to overcomes this new challenge. The youth will come straight from school on a Friday, and the children’s clubs are held through the day on Saturday anyway. These will happen this weekend.
Yesterday (Wednesday), Bohdan drove to Samotoivka to speak at the funeral of Pastor Andrew’s nephew, Alexander. He was on the frontline and Pastor Andrew was chatting with him on Sunday afternoon. Hours later he was killed. Bohdan said that the funeral went well, but it was very dangerous as the journey took twice as long as normal and where they were, the damage was great. Pastor Andrew was greatly upset at the funeral. When they came out of the service it is customary to do a funeral procession to the grave. They were advised not to do this for safety reasons but they still did it anyway! As this is a restricted area Bohdan was not allowed to take photos. As they walked to the graveyard they could see bombs and fires in the distance. The smell of burning filled the air and Bohdan said it felt so dangerous. Please can we pray for Pastor Andrew and his family for his safety, and the work he is doing within the community.
Despite all the above the team are keeping busy. The bakery has baked hundreds of loaves. There was a special service on Tuesday for refugees which had 70 people attend. Each were given 2 loaves of bread as many said how they had struggled to feed themselves in recent days. Most of the bread bought in the shops normally weighs around 400 grams. These loaves baked at the Centre weigh 1 kilo, so to get 2 loaves is equivalent of 5 loaves from the shop. In addition to this service, the team all went out around the town to deliver to people they knew who were struggling to present them with a loaf of bread. Bohdan said it brought such joy to their faces.
Bohdan is in conversation with various schools and orphanages to see how the team can help at this time. He is waiting to hear back. They are also planning to hold an autumn camp, but this might have to be done slightly differently depending on the impact of the war.
In this past week, Vera (pictured above in a green scarf) & Alexander have become Christians and are now attending baptismal classes. We celebrate with them. The other photo is of Bohdan Papeta. He too became a Christian but at the recent teen camp. He lives in a village outside of Lebedyn, and his father was recently killed in the war. He constantly reads his Bible as a comfort and guide. He and his mother are planning to flee to Poland. Please do pray for these people.
Education is still a challenge. Like most schools, summer break is over and the children have returned, but because of the sirens all children are supposed to now learn online. Power outages are getting worse with no schedule being followed, and random cuts happening for long periods of time. In Samotoivka one power cut lasted for over 24 hours! This is a cause of much frustration for the children and parents, and I know Bohdan and Alla really struggle with this.
Lastly, I sadly report that Svetlana quite unexpectedly will be leaving and going back to be with her parents. Her parents are living in the Donetsk region which has increasing Russian occupancy, and her parents are worried about Svetlana being so close to military activity in Sumy. Therefore, they are planning to be together, pack and move to the West. Her parents run a church, a kindergarten school, and a shop but all of this is getting destroyed. We have only just raised funds for her to go to theological seminary, but the way the war is panning out she needs to be with her parents.
Farmer Sergey has had to give up his business in Sumy city. It is no longer viable to travel into Sumy, and there are no customers left to sell to. For some time Farmer Sergey has wanted to be part of the team, and from 1st October he will take over Svetlana’s role and head up the children's and family work. Sergey will also do the course at the Kiev Theological Seminary which has been fully funded. It will be sad to see Svetlana leave, but it is amazing to have Farmer Sergey back fully on the team.
Svetlana will now vacate the apartment the Centre owns, so Bohdan thinks it will be good to allow Lyuba and Costa to live there. They currently live 5km out of Lebedyn with another family, but buses have stopped running, so when Lyuba does the teen work she has to walk home the 5km – often in the dark. The apartment is one minute walk away from the Centre.
Everyday seems to bring new change and challenges. It is difficult to plan, especially for the team, who are uncertain that they will even see the next morning. Bohdan thanked you all for your prayers and support. It is so appreciated.
Every blessing
Peter Martin
Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn
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Dear Friends,
Over this past weekend, military activity in Sumy became much more intense. Air sirens have been ringing out for 24 hours at a time, Sadly, I write with the news that the orphanage that we have supported since it was started, and run by Larisa, was directly targeted and hit, creating much damage as you can see from the photos below.
Bohdan had only visited on Thursday to speak with the children and took the puppet theatre with him. This coincided with Ukraine Independence Day, with Larisa sending me the photo below.
Thankfully, the children were all removed from the building before the bomb landed so there were no casualties.
Also, Lebedyn has been targeted. The defence systems shot down and intercepted all drones and rockets, and although there were no direct hits, the debris caused damage in the town and triggered fires.
These are dangerous times and we would value your prayers, especially for the safety of the children at the orphanage, and for the team out in Sumy City and in Lebedyn. Today, Larisa and her team are sifting through the rubble and collecting things of value.
Getting information is sporadic as power has been down for much of the time, but unless there are any significant developments, a normal update will happen on Thursday as the team have been busy in other areas. We will also assess what support is needed for Larisa and the orphanage and keep you informed.
Thank you for your continued support.
Every blessing
Peter Martin
Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn