Update May 10th 2022

Urgent support required:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

As always, thank you so much for your continued support to all that is going on. Please continue to keep praying as it really makes a difference!

Over the last few days since our last blog post, much has happened. We have included a list of prayer items that we would be really grateful if you could pray into with us. As always, the team are continuing to shine God's light and practically support the need of those around them.

The children's clubs continue...

Whilst there had been bombing the region, this ceased by late morning and the curfew was lifted. In the end it appears that Lebedyn was not impacted – just other areas within the Oblast. Sumy itself did unfortunately suffer some damage.

After this all happened the team sent messages out to say that they would still hold the children’s clubs. Only about 50% of the children that had previously registered came along but it was a special time for the children (alongside many parents who also joined in!) to bring some fun and light relief amidst the current circumstances and conditions.

The parents of the children were also given some aid and food supplies.

The children gathered together at the centre for some fun and light relief! The parents were also able to join in the some of the games too. The parents were also given some aid and food supplies.

The arrival of 1,000 food parcels!

Thanks to our incredible long-time friends – Mission Eurasia – we received 1,000 of their iCare food parcels!

These parcels feed a family of four for a week and therefore this is the equivalent of a minimum of 28,000 meals! Furthermore, with the aid we purchased from Kiev earlier in the week we are now well stocked and equipped the region with food eradicating hunger in this region. What an amazing answer to prayer!

Below are some of the photos of the team organising the 1,000 parcels at their centre!

As you can see from this picture, the team were busy sorting out 1,000 iCare parcels from Mission Eurasia which recently arrived at the centre! These food parcels will feed a family of four for a week.
These two photos have been taken by the team who have recently purchased aid from Kiev. This means the team are now well stocked and equipped in the region, helping to eradicate the hunger issue that had been prevalent within the region!

The provision of food for many!

The team are continuing to shine God's light and practically support the need of those around them through providing them with food supplies and much needed aid. The team continue to receive heart warming stories and testimonies from individuals and families who have felt so supported during this time! In fact, a record number of people since the war came through the centre for the church services and for help today.

More recently a woman had fled to the centre as the local authorities has directed her to come here. Within 24 hours of her fleeing, a missile hit her apartment – the only one in her apartment block. The missile went straight through the bathroom window. Our Mission Director commented that the official stance when air raids are happening that people should hide in their bathrooms! Bohdan is glad that he doesn’t and now is very quick when in the bathroom just in case!

Thankfully, she left just in time. Our Mission director was able to listen to her story and provide her with a iCare parcel. She opened the package when she came home and she called with tears, thanking him saying, “I haven't eaten such delicious food for more than 2 months”! It is good to see that so many are receiving the help they need and these new food packages are really blessing people.

Prayer Requests:

1. Please continue to pray for peace and safety

Over these past few days, military activity has been on the increase even in the Sumy Oblast. The town of Mogrista where the team have held summer camps in the past has experienced heavy shelling. This town is about ninety kilometres away and close to the border with Russia. Other towns are also experiencing increased activity within the Oblast so there is growing concern.

The clearing of landmines is progressing but many of the bridges and road infrastructure has been destroyed making many routes inaccessible. It takes around double the time to normal to reach some towns.

Please join us in prayer for their safety and protection during this uncertain time.

2. For the team to continue to support the local families in great need

The team have been able to support the practical needs of the community. In fact, our Mission Director and another team member recently visited an extended family of thirteen who had arrived from a region further away. They had absolutely nothing with them from their journey and they received blankets, pillows, pillowcases, mattresses, pots and pans, food, and other aid. They were so grateful. Please pray for the team to continue to support the practical needs of many desperate families around them. Alongside helping to meet the practical needs of the community, they are also sharing Bible-based literature too.

3. The health of our Mission Directors wife who is heavily pregnant

Our Mission Directors wife is expecting another child. Over the last few weeks, she has not been feeling great, however, she was able to have a recent appointment with a doctor locally and they gave her the all clear! Thankfully, the baby is in great shape with a strong heartbeat!

4. For access to fuel which is currently in extremely limited supply

The team have been able to support the practical needs of those further away and complete food aid runs, however, because of the worsening fuel situation (which is not currently getting any better), they are deciding to focus on doing more activities and gathering at the centre.

The shortage of fuel is also down to the three main fuel distribution centres in the east being bombed so fuel is getting extremely hard to find. Please pray for the provision of more fuel in the region since they will need this for important travel visits.

5. The repair of the external structure of the centre

Currently the team are looking are still assessing the best way to fix the roof to make it watertight without spending a fortune. We need this building to be operational. There has also been some damage to the rafters, so this is going to create a small challenge in fixing things.

Please pray for wisdom as the team work out the best solution to make the roof watertight that would be most effective and economically viable. Please also pray that the centre will continue to be a place where individuals and families receive the love and peace of God. The good news is that the centre is becoming increasingly busy meeting the needs of people in the region. People know it is a safe house and they will receive both help and hope there!

Thank you

I am so grateful for all your support. As always, our Mission and Music Director, alongside all the rest of the team send their thanks and greetings on behalf of the team and the church there.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

Urgent support required:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

Over the last few days, there have been lots of wonderful positive stories to report which I share with you below. However, as always, the team really do appreciate all your continued prayers during this time and there is also much heartbreak and devastation still taking place. We have included a list of prayer items at the end too.

Thank you again for your support and prayers once again. It really does make a difference.

Church services, puppet shows and lots of games!

On the 30th April, the team held a church service, alongside also delivering some fantastic puppet show performances and preparing lots of fun activities at the centre gathering too. The puppet shows performances and planned activities offered some much-needed light relief to both the new families in the area as well as those that are living in desperate need in the region. It was also an opportunity to bless the families with food bags too.

Whilst they were all sitting down in the service, the youth came and gave out the food bags to each family. People were truly grateful. Please see some of the great photos below. What a gift this centre has been through the war. We are so grateful to those who had the vision to see it built – for such a time as this!

A picture capturing all the food bags the team prepared for the families. All the young people were handing them out during the service and all the families were incredibly grateful for them.
As you can see from this photo, multiple families were able to gather for some much-needed light relief at the centre!

Activities and games...

During the gathering, it was also a wonderful opportunity for all the young people to play some games and have some fun!

Prayer Requests:

1. Please continue to pray for the team's safety as they travel to offer support

The team are continuing to travel around the town and surrounding cities and areas.

In fact, the team were recently able to successfully complete an aid run and arrived back just in time for the curfew. Thankfully it was a safe journey, however, the roads are still extremely dangerous with a large majority of infrastructure now destroyed or severely damaged. All the bridges were broken, and the team were met with diversions and hours of waiting in line at the checkpoints. However, they were able to unload all the supplies and the humanitarian aid will be key going forward.

2. For the team to continue to support the local families in great need

The team have been able to support the practical needs of the community. In fact, our Mission Director and another team member recently visited an extended family of thirteen who had arrived from a region further away. They had absolutely nothing with them from their journey and they received blankets, pillows, pillowcases, mattresses, pots and pans, food, and other aid. They were so grateful. Please pray for the team to continue to support the practical needs of many desperate families around them. Alongside helping to meet the practical needs of the community, they are also sharing Bible-based literature too.

3. The health of our Mission Directors wife who is heavily pregnant

Our Mission Directors wife is expecting another child and unfortunately over the last few days she still has not been feeling great. She has also been recently feeling quite weak. Please pray for her strength, both physically, spiritually, and mentally during this time and for the safety of their child.

4. For access to fuel which is currently in very limited supply

The team have been able to support the practical needs of those further away and complete food aid runs, however, because of the worsening fuel situation (which is not currently getting any better), they are deciding to focus on doing more activities and gathering at the centre.

Whilst this creates a fantastic opportunity for more families to gather and for the team to support them at the centre, please do join us in prayer for the provision of fuel which they will still need for important visits and urgent travel.

Currently, one of the regional hubs for fuel distribution in the Poltava region was bombed so supplies are just not happening. In Lebedyn there is simply no fuel. This could hamper us in getting more aid to the region unless it can be delivered to the centre directly, but it also affects the work that is done in the outlying areas when aid, medicines and food is taken to those stranded.

While they have fuel, they will help but it is running out fast. Our Mission Director has therefore asked for prayer that a solution can be found for this as he is really concerned about this situation now.

Thank you

I am so grateful for all your support. As always, our Mission and Music Director, alongside all the rest of the team send their thanks and greetings on behalf of the team and the church there.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

Urgent support required:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

As always, I want to thank each and every one of you for your continuing support. Both our Mission and Music Director, alongside all the rest of the team send their thanks and greetings on behalf of the team and the church there.

This news update includes a story of hope as the team and those within the community gathered at the church and centre in Lebedyn during Easter. However, we also want to share with you a few prayers requests from the team during this increasingly uncertain time.

An Easter Gathering!

Thankfully, our Mission Director was feeling much better and was able to preach at the Easter day service in the morning. Unfortunately, his two young boy and wife were still feeling very unwell, with the two boys suffering with a fever. However, many people were still able to attend the Easter day church celebration, with the church reaching its highest level of attendance since the war began.

Our Mission Director and team have been doing all they can to show to the people that the Baptist church is not something to be feared but to be appreciated. They want to show God’s love in practical ways and to show the only true hope is the eternal hope they have right now. They want to be the best at what they do for the people. Over these months we have seen and witnessed the extraordinary lengths the team in Lebedyn has gone to reach out and shown God’s love to the region in so many practical ways.

The team were busy getting everything ready, baking Easter treats and preparing the centre for many to visit. Please pray that the threat of bombs will not happen.

After the morning service, and as planned, the youth gathered had much fun and were fed well. Around thirty youth attended throughout the time at the centre.

As the service gathering had finished, our Mission Director and another member of the team then travelled to Trostyanets to help the church who were distributing food throughout the town that has been severely affected by the war.

Please see below two photos captured from the Easter day service:

Prayer Requests:

1. Please continue to pray for safe travel for the team

The team are continuing to travel around the town and surrounding cities and areas. Please pray for safe travel for them as they move around and continue to support the practical needs of those around them through the delivery of food and medical supplies.

2. All the residents who are still left in deserted towns and cities

Our Mission Director and another team member travelled around the town to grasp the severity of the impact once again from the war. The team are helping with the distribution of food to other towns and surrounding cities. You can see the impact and devastation it has had on town in the pictures and video below.

They went around the town after helping with the distribution to grasp the severity once again of what they saw the other day. The attached video and photos below show witness to the devastation and atrocities of this unwanted war.

3. For peace and safety for those in Lebedyn as military activity escalates and for the fierce battles taking place in Kharkiv

During a call with our Mission Director and our translator, we were able to discuss many things. One of the key things we discussed during the one-hour call was the growing number of Ukraine soldiers returning to Lebedyn. This is of concern as they must feel it is necessary, so everyone is now on high alert. Please pray for God's peace to fill their hearts and minds and for their protection during highly uncertain and increasingly tense time.

With military activity once again escalating, our Mission Director has mentioned that they hardly slept with Russian aircraft and missiles flying overhead.

Please also pray for what is going on in Kharkiv. There are fierce battles with lots of people known to the Lebedyn people fighting there. It is exceptionally bad like to other areas around Kiev that have also been revealed in the news lately. If Kharkiv falls, then it is thought they will move north to the Lebedyn and Sumy areas.

4. The accessibility of food and fuel

Currently the team and people in Lebedyn are still witnessing increasing food shortages. Cooking oil is hard to access but having just seen the news we are in the same situation Food is also increasing in price quite dramatically. Many things are now three times the price.

Furthermore, whilst fuel prices have stabilised the problem is now availability. They have a new ten litre limit when filling up. Furthermore, with the purchase of the new van, finding fuel to put in it will then be a challenge. Please do pray this happens as we really do need this vehicle.

Please pray for the provision of food and fuel so they can continue to support the needs of those around them and making visits to neighbouring cities and towns to distribute food and medical supplies, alongside literature to help fill people with the message of hope and salvation amidst such dark times. In fact, over Easter, our Mission Director and team have been able to visit the soldiers in the surrounding area and distribute prayer leaflets.

5. Supporting the local orphanage in Ukraine

During our one-hour video call, we discussed at length how we can help the children at the orphanage and their leader further.

Whilst lots of the children were able to flee alongside their leader and find somewhere safe to take refuge, it has transpired that not all the orphanage team fled when the bombing became too much. Our Mission Director has been in touch with their accountant to say that there are urgent bills to be paid so he is going to Sumy to visit on Monday to see what the situation is. The orphanage leader was able to get some food on credit to feed the children and managed to get a generator and fuel to give power to the bomb shelter. We will help them sort this out. Please continue to pray for the children's safety too.

I am so grateful for all your support. As always, our Mission and Music Director, alongside all the rest of the team send their thanks and greetings on behalf of the team and the church there.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Urgent support required:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

As always, thank you for your continued support and fervent prayers.

Our Mission Director has recently mentioned that he has been feeling tired but I cannot understand why! I mean, when you consider what has been achieved it really is no surprise that he is tired. 

Amidst a some noisy few days, the team are continuing to support the community and the incoming refugees who have been arriving in the local area. You can hear more about some of the amazing stories of hope below!

Supporting refuges and sharing hope through literature

Planned meetings with the local government leaders have recently taken place. Every refugee that arrives has to register with the authorities so that records can be kept. It is not meant to be intrusive but to help those who have moved and who might not have anything.

The good news is that they have given our Mission Director a list of all the new people that have arrived in the region so that they can go and visit and give them food and humanitarian aid. The team will then carry out visits and distribute food throughout the week.

They also had a call from the local authorities to say that a family had only just escaped from Kharkiv with virtually nothing. They were able to help them with food and supplies and they want to come along to the church centre for their children to enjoy the fun and activities. Thankfully, the council have housed them for now.

Today they also visited a hospice and have been able to help them. Many have asked for some of the literature we give away, including the ‘Finding Hope’ book so as to bring comfort to those suffering at this time. You can see some photos below from the team's recent visits to the hospice and community, where they've been distributing food, humanitarian aid and literature to those in need!

A place of safety for the local orphanage in Ukraine!

You may have remembered in previous news updates of how our ministry have been supporting a local orphanage in Ukraine. Before the war, our team would visit the orphanage to perform our award-winning puppet shows, bringing hope and fun with each of our visits.

Sadly, due to the war, all the children and their leader were forced to flee in order to find somewhere safe to take refuge. We've since been able to witness some incredible responses and connections arise to help support the local orphanage who had been seeking safety, food and necessary supplies amidst the war.

As a ministry, we have continued to support to children and leader and have been able to send funds across from our appeal fund to help them purchase food, medicine, supplies and also pay for necessary transport to enable herself and all the children to get to safety.

We are so pleased that the leader and all the children were able to safely evacuate and have since arrived at a safe destination!

I am so grateful for all your support. As always, our Mission and Music Director, alongside all the rest of the team send their thanks and greetings on behalf of the team and the church there.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

Urgent support required:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

We wanted to share with you some of stories of both hope and sadness. We are very thankful that the team is able to hold services and support the community, the needy, the disabled, families and refugees in so many different ways during this time. Thank you for all your support over the weeks with the war effort. It has been humbling with the amount of donations and prayer support. It is so appreciated.

An event for families and children!

On the 16th April, the team were able to gather together families and children at the centre for some fun and games!

They had around 15 families in all (around 35-40 people in total with all the parents too) and they had a great time as you can see from the photos below. These families have lost jobs and have witnessed the destruction of their homes. They were also given aid and food as well.

Due to the landmines and uncertainty of the war, many families understandably made the decision to keep people indoors. Earlier in the day the air raid sirens were sounding out warning of Russian aircraft and missiles above. These were mainly heading to Kharkiv but the very sound of these alarms brings anxiety and fear. The same as a door banging and other small things, which we may not notice but to them triggers fear.

We are thankful for the opportunity for children and families to gather together during this time. Please continue to pray for seeds to be planted in each child's and parents' heart as they receive the hope of God's Word and desperately needed peace in their hearts and minds during this time.

Workshops for the elderly

The team also held workshops with the elderly (Bohdan’s description of that is the 50+ group – not sure I like this description!) Our Musical Director was also helping them in how to use the internet to access more help and information.

Prayer requests

  1. Please continue to pray for the ill, disabled and vulnerable

The ill, disabled and the vulnerable are most unlikely to be able to flee and the war has only served to alleviate their difficult seasons even more. So, the question we are left to answer is who will look after them? With the cities now about to face the battering of missiles like Sumy has experienced (and still does!) there will be no easy escape route but instead an increased vulnerability.

One example of someone who myself and the team have known for quite some time is Natasha. Very sadly as a child she was involved in a motor accident which severely damaged her spinal cord. Some while back she could sit and she was an incredible painter.

One of the members of our support group managed to organise and raised funds to purchase a wheelchair amongst other things and also purchased a painting from her to give her support. Unfortunately, now a few years later she is now bedridden and having to constantly lie down. There is no help other than her mother. There is little, if any, government aid and life is bleak. The Ukraine government has not treated people like this well in the past. Then comes a war. This has been a terrible time for people like Natasha. They could not get supplies and medical needs including the very basic things like incontinence pads.

Thanks to the team they have been able to get supplies and are now helping the family with their needs. Through Natasha’s disability, her mother and brother have become Christians and are part of the church. This might seem quite a small thing but Natasha’s story is replicated in many places throughout Ukraine. Please continue to pray for hope, strength and provision for all those caring for the vulnerable and for God to be ever so close to each and every person in need during this time.

2. Please pray for the team and people who are experiencing the devastating effects of war and hopelessness

My wife and I had a video call with our Mission Director and his wife on the 16th April. It was such a special time to see them prepare for the baby but naturally also mixed with with feelings of sadness as to what world they are bringing this little one into.

There were tears shed as we discussed the future. Our Mission Director has recently been able to visit some of the villages around and he explained it was “very bad”. In Trostyanets, for example, the town is like the images we are seeing of the suburbs of Kiev. There is no town centre left – it has been flattened. Homes and belongings have been destroyed and all the tractors and farm equipment bombed so no farming of feeding can be done. Stories of abuse and torture are there as well.

The people are living in shock, dazed by what they have witnessed and broken with everything that has gone. They have nothing left. Bohdan and the team are committed this next week to trying to get as much aid and food to them as possible but in the knowledge that they cannot change the situation only bring a little help and show some love.

Please continue to pray that the team will bring light to this dark world and for their hearts to be strengthened as they find comfort in the truth of John 1:5 which says, 'The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.' May these keep shining God's love to every person and family they encounter.

I am so grateful for all your support. As always, our Mission and Music Director, alongside the rest of the team, send their thanks and greetings on behalf of the team and the church there.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

Urgent support required:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

Thank you for all your support, both in your fervent prayers and generous giving during this time.

During this season there is no doubt that there are new things found and challenges created every day. The team have been busy continuing to help support the immediate needs of the community alongside many who are coming to our centre seeking refuge after fleeing nearby villages, towns and cities.

Supporting the disabled and refugees

Alongside the team's usual service in the centre, they have also been focusing on helping support the disabled and refugees. After the service, food was then was distributed to those in need and the team visited over 30 more families. taking food and humanitarian aid to them. During these visits, they also spent time talking and praying with each family.

In the afternoon, the team had been alerted to many more evacuees coming from the areas which had been under heavy attack. So, our Mission Director and another team member have since travelled to some of the villages and managed to reach many of them where it was safe. The discovered a small house which had eleven people in it from different families which had arrived from Kharkiv who were trying to find refuge but there was no food in the villages. Our Mission Director noted that they were very intimidated and did not want to be photographed. They were given a big box of food along with a Bible and one of the ‘Finding Hope’ booklets they have been giving out.

Our Mission Director hopes that each person taking refuge in that house will find hope as they read it, calming their hearts and minds. Please also join us in prayer as we believe for them to receive God's perfect peace and find truth during these dark times. The team hope to visit again.

Planting new seeds

The team have been also been focusing some of their efforts restoring any damage to the centre and making good areas that had been affected by the war. They have also been planting seeds so they can grow lots of produce to feed the people in need. This seed ministry is sponsored every year by long standing supporters and is such a practical and great way to help those in need. Seeds have been given out to lots of families so they can have produce to grow through the summer and beyond. We also keep some for the centre to grow fruit and vegetables through the year for feeding people.

Prayer Requests

  1. Please pray for the team to access funds through the banks

Our Mission Director has reported that it is getting harder to get money out of the banks. He doesn’t know how this will go in the days ahead. The problem is that many people are trying to take as much out as they can and then wait to see if they need it in times of emergency. Also, many have fled the country clearing out their accounts which means the money is not in circulation in the country. Please continue to pray for a resolve around this issue.

2. Pray for the Donetsk and Luhansk regions

The Russian offensive is very strong as they are determined to claim these areas whatever it takes. There are stories of huge cruelty coming out. Please pray that the Russian troops will be thwarted once more and that peace will reign.

3. Please pray for the hearts of the community to receive God into their heart

When our Mission Director preached in the service for the disabled it was difficult to explain how a living, loving and merciful God allows it. He told the story of Joseph and how God turned evil into good. People sat with tears in their eyes as they listened. Please pray that God will powerfully touch their hearts.

Church service at the centre, with a particular focus to support the disabled and refugees. There was also an opportunity for those in need and for families to receive food parcels during the end of the service.

4. Please continue to keep our Mission Directors wife in your prayers who is heavily pregnant

Our Mission Director has mentioned that his wife is still very up and down with her health. Her blood pressure is varying a lot and she is struggling with juggling three very lively boys who have been cooped up and not allowed outside. Not only is there all their schooling but has our Mission Director has been very busying focusing on the supporting the community during this time too. Please continue to pray for them.

5. For the roof of the original building centre to be watertight and operational

The team have recently discovered the original centre building roof has been more badly damaged than originally thought. The weather has been bad with high winds and heavy rain and this has exposed a massive problem. It is now slowly tearing off the roof and the rain is flooding the upper floor.

They have since met with builders to look the original centre and the damage. Whilst we cannot make full repairs we need to try and get it watertight and operational as this is where we prepare food and help those in need. The meetings and activities for the children and youth can go ahead in the new centre but we still need the original centre to be up and running.

Currently they are now exploring all options and reporting back. Unfortunately, we just don’t know if there are places open where we can purchase the materials required, so please do pray for provision of the correct materials as we look to repairing the damage to the roof to try and make it watertight and operational in the long term.

I am so grateful for all your support. Our Mission and Music Director, alongside all the rest of the team send their thanks and greetings on behalf of the whole team and the church there.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

Urgent support required:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

Thank you again for all your continued support for the team and their vital ministry work during this time.

It has been a busy few days for the team in Lebedyn as they continue to help support the immediate needs of the community alongside many who are coming to our centre seeking refuge after fleeing from nearby villages, towns and cities. Whilst there are many sad and disturbing things the people of Ukraine, including the people of Lebedyn, are having to experience daily, the team have been doing amazing work feeding, caring, loving and looking after the people in this region. 

Please do keep praying for the safety of those in Ukraine, including the team and community in Lebedyn. As of the Sunday 3rd April, a BBC feature and online newspapers had mentioned that troops were building up again around Sumy. Our Mission Director had confirmed this and had stated that they were getting ready for a major offensive. Please therefore continue to pray for the safety of the people in Lebedyn and those in the region.

Growing Morning Church Services

The morning church services which they run at the centre have continued to witness growing numbers of people attending, many who have been attending before. Our Mission Director said that it was truly an amazing time (We think some of the visitors wanted some food parcels, but that is OK!) You can see below a photo of the many food parcels the team have been handing out to the community below.

After the morning service, the children's club took place, with plans for activities and a gathering for those who have additional needs and disabilities. The church has done an amazing work with these wonderful people over the years as the state does not recognise all disabilities and the help needed. 

Unfortunately, the club had to be stopped halfway through since air raid sirens have gone off for the first time in a few days. Everyone had to run for cover. However, we are grateful for everyone's safety and for the opportunity for the children and community to have some quality time together.

The team have loved opening up their morning services to many new people where they have witnessed a growing number of people come to faith and find comfort in these uncertain and distressing times through our free Bible-based literature. Please continue to join us in prayer as we believe for people to come to faith and find their hope in the powerful Word of God!

Provision of Materials to Repair the New Mission Centre Building

Despite the damage to some of the new centre from the bombing, with seven holes being identified by the team from the bomb damage, the team have been able to successfully repair the damage. We are thankful to God that they were able to access all the right materials and the right contractors who did the bulk of the work. An amazing provision which now protects this building and keeps it watertight and fit for purpose!

Please keep standing with us in prayer!

Please continue to stand with the team in prayer during these very uncertain times. Our Mission Director and the team are still visiting the front line every day. Please pray for the soldiers and the wounded and for the team as they to give hope in a very dark world there.

I am so grateful for all your support. Our Mission and Music Director, alongside the rest of the team all send their thanks and greetings on behalf of the team and the church there.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

Urgent support required:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

Again another day with relative calm. There is still the sound of battle in the far distance and the occasional bomb but Lebedyn has been much calmer over these past few days. People that have been locked indoors for weeks are starting to get out as confidence returns. 

It appears that Ukraine troops are not only holding back the Russians but forcing them back towards the border. However, word on the street is that the Russians are re-grouping for another onslaught to try and push through. You cannot imagine living in that tension of what could be the whole time. When talking with our Mission Director today he said that when he has been driving around other villages and towns nearby and the devastation he has witnessed, he said Lebedyn has been blessed. The prayers of the many are having an effect. 

Today, as planned, they went round and invited all the large families to come to the centre. This means families with large numbers – not in weight and size! These are often extended multi-generational families often crammed into small residences. They were all welcomed and producing a steady queue for the hours open. Bags were filled with food, stories shared, tears shed and much love given. The people were immensely thankful. Many were offered the literature we have there and took it away to read.

Tomorrow I meet with our Mission Director and our translator to start to plan the next phase of activity. He is concerned for the youth and the children. There has been no school now for 6 weeks and no means for the children to play. If safe they would like to run regular activities and help families with all of this. There are online learning programmes but unreliable internet. Still a third of all of Lebedyn is without utilities including water. All of this we will look at so that the centre can be a beacon of hope and love. Please pray that our scheduled meeting can take place.

Our Mission Director has asked that we pray today for the building up of troops in the distance. As they think they might be gaining in strength. Pray that God will thwart their plans. Pray too that the children’s and youth ministry they do so well can go ahead safely and pray for the families that are really struggling. Whilst Lebedyn has not been completely obliterated, many are living in very unacceptable conditions. Houses where windows and doors have been blown out through bombs but they have no where else to go and the temperature can, and has, dropped to around -10 or even more at night.

Please keep standing with us in prayer!

Please continue to stand with the team in prayer during these very uncertain times. Our Mission Director and the team are still visiting the front line every day. Please pray for the soldiers and the wounded and for the team as they to give hope in a very dark world there.

I am so grateful for all your support. Our Mission and Music Director, alongside the rest of the team all send their thanks and greetings on behalf of the team and the church there.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

Urgent support required:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Urgent support required:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

Thank you again for all your continued support for the team and their vital ministry work during this time.

Whilst the team have experienced a few quieter days, as of the 21st of March 2022, the team in Lebedyn had been in contact to let me know that they were under heavy attack. Our Mission Director mentioned that Russian troops have been trying hard to break into the city and moving closer into the town.

There have been regularly nightly battles but thankfully no progression has happened towards the main town centre.

Provision of food, medical supplies and a car and fuel!

Amidst very uncertain and scary times, we continue to give thanks to God for another successful delivery of food. Furthermore, the team also found a car and fuel waiting for them this morning at the centre which is very much crucial and much needed during this time!

They also managed to get some medicine with the money which will help with the more minor ailments. However, there are some in the town with diabetes who are insulin dependent including one of the team’s family members. Thankfully our team has managed to secure a supply of insulin for them. Please also lift up a member of our team who requires specialised medication for his specific condition and for wisdom and provision as we try to find solutions which are not obvious right now.

The powerful Word of God

Over the weekend the team were able to look after a lady and her four children who came to the centre after escaping from a nearby village that had fallen into Russian hands. This was a village in where held summer camps in the past. Some of the villagers managed to flee and have come to Lebedyn but many are still there.

This particular lady asked the team for a Bible for herself and her four children. They spoke, encouraged, fed and prayed with her. She received 2 Bibles, one being the Jesus Story Book Bible for her children. Our Mission Director has informed me that she has since come to faith and was weeping with tears of joy! Even in the darkest times our faith brings hope.

They also helped a family that had come up from a nearby city with absolutely nothing with them. They gave them toiletries, food and some clothes although they don’t have many of those to share now with people.

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you, In God, whose word I praise— in God I trust and am not afraid.  What can mere mortals do to me? Psalm 56, verses 3 & 4

A baby dedication and a growing church community

This morning the numbers at the church grew to greatest amount since the war began, with many fleeing from nearby villages and towns and are now all meeting together in the new centre. A new baby was dedicated this morning as well. What a start to life! However, it's also a beautiful reminder of new life and new hope.

After the church service today, where the team have been witnessing growing numbers of people coming together in prayer, they were able to put up a tent outside in the town centre to talk to people and give them free books and literature. It was also an opportunity to invite them to the centre if they had no food where the team could then provide them with food parcels.

Please see below two pictures, one of the team handing out free literature to the community and the other picture captures one of the community's recent church gatherings. As you can see, lots of people joined together to pray!

Please keep standing with us in prayer!

Please continue to stand with the team in prayer during these very uncertain times. Our Mission Director and the team are still visiting the front line every day. Please pray for the soldiers and the wounded and for the team as they to give hope in a very dark world there.

I am so grateful for all your support. Our Mission and Music Director, alongside the rest of the team all send their thanks and greetings on behalf of the team and the church there.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

Urgent support required:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Urgent support required:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

Thank you again for all your continued support and for showering the team and ministry in constant prayers during this time.

I am continuing to receive updates from the team as and when it is possible, however, each day is so different so please continue to pray for their safety during very uncertain times. We are very thankful that amidst the darkness, we can share incredible stories of selfless love and some good news from the team. We wanted to see them of these below:

Safe delivery of food to Lebedyn

We are so thankful to God for a safe delivery of food to the team in Lebedyn. Thank you to so many of you that prayed throughout the day. God’s hand was on this trip and given that many have not made it alive doing less dangerous trips, this really was a miracle! The community have been struggling to access and purchase food has meant that this safe arrival of food is helping feed many members of the community.

Our Mission Director is now home and his cooked him a special meal of Borsch (This is a bit like a beetroot soup - a Ukrainian favourite!)

A local orphanages plight to safety

Following our last update on the 11th of March surrounding the local orphanage with over fifty children, we are so grateful to report that they, along with the director of the orphanage, have now arrived safely to a quieter region. However, their journey was long and not without difficulty.

However, amidst all the difficulty on their journey to safety, they were able to help a coach full of mothers and children's which had broken down from the maternity hospital nearby. On the coach were premature babies who needed special feeding. Without hesitation they squashed everyone up and managed to fit everyone and their luggage into their two coaches.

With the food purchased through the funds we sent, they were able to share this with them all and everyone got to safety. Where they are currently will not be their final destination as they feel the only real safety is abroad until the war stops.

We give thanks to God that they have arrived to a quieter region and a provision of food. We are glad that the children are somewhere safer where they can relax amidst all the difficult days and nights, they have had to endure but please do continue to pray for their long-term safety.

Please keep standing with us in prayer!

Please continue to keep all the team in your prayers. As of Monday 14th March, our Mission Director has informed me that they are having problems with communications, particularly mobile signals, and the internet. It is believed that Russians are trying to jam everything to immobilise them away from contact with others. The town has become quite inventive, and this is something we have witnessed over the years we have been involved with them. They can normally find a way to fix something or get it working just as they have with the electricity. They live in a world of constant recycling! It is this tenacious attitude that is carrying them through.

Other villages nearby have fallen to Russian troops, so they are expecting in the next few days an onslaught as they need to get through Lebedyn to journey through to Kyiv. Please pray for their protection. Our Mission Director and the team are still visit the front line every day, pray for the soldiers and the wounded and to try and give hope in a very dark world there.

Please continue to pray for the things above and most of all please pray for their peace.

I am so grateful for all your support. Our Mission and Musical Director, alongside the rest of the team all send their thanks and greetings on behalf of the team and the church there.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

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    Hope Lebedyn is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, registered charity number 1201618.
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    From 17th - 24th February we are holding a week of prayer as we remember the 2nd anniversary of the war in Ukraine.
    To help you pray, we've created a PDF guide that contains some daily prayer points. 

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