Update 19th July 2022

Dear Friends

The second week of the camps came to an end and both the children and parents did not want it to finish. It felt like some normality had crept back in until near the end the sirens kept sounding. Also at the end there was the news of the explosions in Vinnytsia where children died and this upset the children there. They had to use the bomb shelter for a short while.

The team found the second week harder work than the first one which is unusual but the constant tension of whether to move the children into bomb shelters and to a place of safety Bohdan said is sadly a new reality that we cannot and do not want to get used to.

Sadly the youth camp has not been allowed to go ahead this week although the youth are still coming up daily to the centre so things are being done for them. We cannot find enough workers this week as students are having to re-register and if they don’t do this they will be conscripted to fight. We hope to hold them the first week of August if we can get around the paperwork, authorities and have the team available.

In the region firefighters have started conducting security measures for all organizations and what they should we do if there is another Russian invasion so they arrived for inspection on Monday. The authorities are now predicting that an invasion is likely to come sooner than later within the Sumy region, as are airstrikes. The Firefighters are trying to equip everyone with what to do is such situations. However, Bohdan said to me that he thanks God that we held the camps on time. In a few days, I will receive more detailed reports of all that went on and I will share some of that with you. However, during the 2nd week, several children who were at our camp last summer came where they were given Children's Bibles. It is interesting that they have both read them all year and brought them to show at the camp. They have not just read once but read several times.

This couple below, Olga and Sergey,  have just arrived into the area from the south. Sergey had his legs blown off by what they call a “parachute” bomb. They arrived in Lebedyn with nothing and needed help so they were referred to the team and centre. We have provided bedding, some furniture, kitchen equipment and humanitarian aid including food and pain killers as Sergey still suffers with pain. They are immensely grateful and as a result are now coming up to the centre for services and enjoying new friends being made. This is just another example of the many being helped through the work at the centre.


Yesterday I had a long video chat with Bohdan to catch up post the children camp weeks. Sadly, the situation is getting worse again in Sumy oblast (county). There is increased military activity by way of missiles and air strikes and more landmines are being found so this means the Russians have undercover operatives working in the region. Many farmers are being targeted. One of the long time Pastors associated to the work lives in the northern part of the county and preached at the church on Sunday and he said that they are being bombed every day now. Landmines litter the fields so farmers cannot plough or harvest their crops as they are too frightened. Many workers have been blown up or injured. This is not something we are hearing about on the news. This is a village just 80km away. It would appear that Russia is trying to create a food crisis to starve the people into submission which is history repeating itself.

Some people who have journeyed with us will remember Pastor Andrei Boldarov. He was once our youth worker in the early days and his son Paulo did the same role until just a year or so ago and just before Valentine our current youth worker. It is this church that helped us store the aid we got from Poltava at the beginning of the war. Bohdan has asked we pray for them as a family as Pastor Andrei has been called up to fight and is now doing his training in Kiev. He has been called up because he has previously served in the military for a while before retraining to be a pastor. Up to now Pastors/ministers have been exempt from call up.

This then leads me on to the big prayer point. Bohdan shared that he had been told that he too might have to be called up to fight. The Ukraine army has lost so many and it needs chaplains within the army as many of the ones they had have been killed in battle. At present, he has been informed only but if a big invasion happens then it is likely he could be conscripted. However, because of the work the centre is doing to help the army, and he has papers giving exemption, he is trying to work with the area commander to see whether this can be avoided. In the past those with 4 or more young children have also been exempt but that too looks like it has been removed. This is obviously something we should pray about as this could have serious repercussions for his family and the work at the centre. Bohdan said that many people like him are now fleeing to the country to hide so they do not get called up. He will not do this but will trust what God has in store for him. He is fearful for his family and has asked that we pray hard for all of this. In the weeks ahead we will now plan for something like this happening so please pray for wisdom as well.

Bohdan and Alla are having problems with Zoryana as she is crying a lot and seems in pain. Monday they saw the doctor and all went well although they are now thinking she might have some digestive issues and maybe be dairy intolerant so they are having to try things out to see what works. She is still putting on weight but the constant crying, especially through the night is leaving them drained. After the busyness of the camps they took a day out to a local attraction to have a family day. Bohdan has shared the picture below and seeing the family like this makes it even harder when you have the news like above. So many families are suffering due to this war. Let us pray for peace.

Bohdan and his family

I have more news from Larisa but I will cover this in my next update. Bohdan is so grateful for your prayers and support. Thank you!

Every blessing


Urgent support required:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

We wanted to share with you about some of the recent work taking place in Lebedyn. You will also find a list of prayer items that we would be grateful if you could pray into with us.

Thank you to each person, business, organisation, and trust who has supported the work of Hope Lebedyn. There are many people that have contributed to the cause in so many ways. Your continued help makes a real difference, so thank you!

Summer Camps 2022

The first of the summer camp weeks has now been had with huge success. The numbers stayed at around 100 children and these were the younger children in the area that attended. It has been quite clear that the war has impacted every young life with prayers held every day for the those involved. Bohdan informed me that every child had either a father, brother or Uncle taking part. When prayers were held many children wept. The consequences of this war will be felt for generations to come.

However, the children had an amazing time, they enjoyed the specials meals made and fun in their games and learning. The other thing to note was that amazingly there were no air raid sirens throughout the whole week during the day. If they did start up if was in the evening but no bombs fell in the area. The Oblast of Sumy has still been bombed but these are targeted mainly to businesses, roads, and infrastructures and occurs near the border to Russia.

You will see from the pictures below that the children really enjoyed their new bibles and activity books donated by the bible society which arrived just in time. In a video call with Bohdan he told me that there are no other summer camps anywhere near as they are not really allowed but the Mayor has given special permission for us to go ahead given the reputation the work of the centre has in the region.

Aid is still given out to those in need and many parents who bring their children take home help also. I have put a few pictures below but later there will be a fuller report of the work done through all the camps.

Prayer Requests:

1. For the camps which are taking place across the summer

The team spent a long time planning for the summer camps for 2022 and its finally reached the time where they have opened up their doors again to lots of young people for fun, fellowship and teaching!

Please join us in praying for this years children and youth summer camps and that each child enjoys the activities, opportunities for fellowship and discussions around faith too. Please also pray for the team and for fresh energy, strength and joy for them too!

2. The provision of more clothes and aid to share with families in great need

The team have been working hard distributing aid to those in need. However, the need is still as great as ever and we still need more clothes, so please join us in praying for this.

In addition, following our Mission Director's recent meeting with the area commander for the troops in the Lebedyn, it has become very apparent the number of families of soldiers who are really struggling and have a real need for food and clothes. Please pray for provisions to meet the growing needs.

3. Receiving funds we send out from the banks

One of the big problems we are still experiencing is getting the funds we send out from the banks. Currently, there is a national shortage of $US and therefore many have drawn down all their funds into this currency and fled out of the region and country. It has been a real challenge for Bohdan to manage but thankfully on Wednesday he was able to access all the remaining funds to pay for everything that was necessary to fulfil their work and ministry.

We are aware that this could be an ongoing challenge, especially as we have more to send out more soon.

4. For access to fuel which is currently in extremely limited supply

The shortage of fuel is still a big problem. Due to the worsening fuel situation, the team have mostly been focusing on doing more activities and gathering people together at the centre. However, as the team plan ahead for the future, they are hoping to expand the work into other villages and surrounding areas who all also in great need. Please do pray for provision of fuel despite the increasing cost for important travel visits further afield going forward.

Thank you

I am so grateful for all your support. As always, all the team send their thanks and greetings on behalf of the team and the church there.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

Urgent support required:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

We wanted to share with you about some of the recent work taking place in Lebedyn. You will also find a list of prayer items that we would be grateful if you could pray into with us.

Thank you to each person, business, organisation, and trust who has supported the work of Hope Lebedyn. There are many people that have contributed to the cause in so many ways. Your continued help makes a real difference. The team thank everyone for their love, prayers, and support. Thank you all.

A special delivery at the centre!

Whilst aid continues to be given out, the team have not been travelling out to the villages since Bohdan, our Mission Director, has been helping look after their new-born daughter and his family. The team did receive a special delivery from our friends in Germany full of aid and other various items, including clothes, which have been desperately needed. This aid will support Lebedyn and 4 tons will also be used to support another church-based centre in the south.

The specific items that were included as part of the delivery were as follows:

  • Various foods
  • Clothes
  • Shoes
  • 7 x Bicycles of various sizes
  • 10 x infant car seats
  • 30 x mattresses (these are important for the refugees coming into the area)

On top of the aid. the team also received 2 tons of flour and 200 litres of cooking oil. The other 1.5 tons of flour we received has now been used or allocated. You can also see how many sacks of vegetables we have been able to get hold of as well which is so important for healthy eating. It really is amazing how many meals the team at the centre are now able to facilitate. The original centre has now become more like a warehouse at times and we are so thankful for God's provision!

The team received a special delivery from our friends in Germany, which included 5 tons of aid for Lebedyn!

Planning for a busy and exciting summer!

The team continue to plan for a very busy summer, where they will open up their doors to lots of young people who are need of fun, fellowship and hope.

Last week was a lot calmer which provided an opportunity for the team to start preparing for the summer camps. These will start on the 4th of July. Youth camp registration has opened up this week and registration for the children's camps have already opened. In fact, since registration opened, the team have been inundated with requests. As it stands, around 70% of the children will be over 7 years old, with the remainder part of the younger age group of 5-7s.

Over 200 have been registered for the 2 weeks and we know there will be many just turning up. Please do join us in praying for the team as they continue to pray, plan and prepare for a busy summer ahead. We pray that many young people will find much needed fellowship, experience laughter and fun and find hope in the powerful message of salvation as the team engage in activities and discussions with them!

A story of hope

The state of war in Ukraine is not reported on nearly as much as before and yet the effects are greater than ever. However, amidst the constant fear, weariness and despair there is indeed hope. In fact, there has never been such a demand for Bibles as people turn to God for hope in their lives and the team are sharing with me many beautiful stories of hope where God is clearly at work, including a recent story of a lady who lives locally as it now coming to the church services!

The story of this lady who now attends church was told by one of the church members and been translated through our translator. We hope you find just as much hope in the story as we did!

It was the first day of the war, 24th of February, you could hear 2 huge explosions. military transport, and the buses with the soldiers which were moving towards Sumy.

Sounds of alarm, curfew, it is the martial law in our country. From 6pm our town stops, freezes. Every day the tension is growing. Hearing the alarm people are scared and running to the bomb shelter in our pedagogical college or in the basement of the block of flats. Every time when we hear the alarm together with my husband we sit down in our hall and pray to our Lord and give everything into His loving hands. He is in control.

I entered my neighbour’s home. Her name is Tamara and asked her, "How are you?"

She replied, "I just can't stand it, I am dying from the fear, I sleep on the mat in the hall. When I hear the alarm, I go downstairs into the basement. My legs hurt, I can't walk fast, I can't be as fast as others. And what about you?"

I responded and reminded her that we weren't going anywhere and that must put our hope onto our Lord, pray to Him and believe that He will never forsake His children. He will protect us and He is in control. Of course, we must go to God, to his people, we must pray, we must ask for forgiveness of our sins, and to ask for His protection upon us. He gives us strength to go through the difficulties. Only in Him is our power, hope, love and protection.

Since then, Tamara has started to come to our church, she asked for a Bible, she is trying to read it but she has some difficulties with understanding it. But we know that God has a plan for everyone, only He can open spiritual eyes of each person and only He can see our hearts.

Prayer Requests:

1. Prayer our Mission Director's new-born baby girl and his family

Our Mission Director Bohdan and his wife are now adjusting to living life as a family of 6. Whilst Bohdan has returned back to work as they continue supporting the community and prepare for the summer camps, please do join us in praying for their strength and fresh energy as they adjust to the arrival of their daughter.

Please also pray for their new-born baby and that she will continue to remain healthy and also sleep well. In fact, Bohdan and I had a video meeting last week and he only managed to get 2 hours of sleep one night - the joys of a new baby!

Please pray for their strength, protection, and precious family time despite a busy season with work too!

2. The provision of more Bibles for adults

The team are still in need of Bibles for adult, so please pray for this provision and for people's hearts to continue to be opened to the good news of salvation and hope. Please also pray for the adults and children experiencing trauma and for resources to help support them through this.

3. For wisdom as the team prepare for this year's summer camps

The team continue to prepare all the site for the camps whilst still supporting those around the community that need help.

Please pray for wisdom and peace as the team continuing preparing the camp programme and all the remaining details they are still trying to sort out amidst some uncertainties.

We believe and pray that this year's summer camps will serve as a haven of fun, games, and good fellowship for many young people entering our centre!

4. For access to fuel which is currently in extremely limited supply

The shortage of fuel is still a big problem. Due to the worsening fuel situation, the team have mostly been focusing on doing more activities and gathering people together at the centre. However, as the team planned for the future, they are hoping to expand the work into the villages. Please do pray for provision of fuel despite the increasing cost for important travel visits in the future.

Thank you

I am so grateful for all your support. As always, our Mission and Music Director, alongside all the rest of the team send their thanks and greetings on behalf of the team and the church there.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

Urgent support required:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

We wanted to share with you about some of the recent work taking place in Lebedyn. You will also find a list of prayer items that we would be grateful if you could pray into with us.

Thank you to each person, business, organisation, and trust who has supported the work of Hope Lebedyn. There are many people that have contributed to the cause in so many ways. Your continued help makes a real difference.

As you have seen in the news last week, there has been increased military activity from the Russians throughout Ukraine which is also being witnessed within the Sumy Oblast. Sirens are back to sounding with more regularity, but the nature of the Ukrainians is to carry on whatever happens. The team have been working hard in giving aid out which we just received. However, as we mention in our list of prayer requests at the end of this news report, the need for clothes is still as great as ever. A please do join us in praying for the provision of more clothes and aid that the team can continue to distribute to families in need.

Sharing a story of inspiring faith!

Whilst the team have been busy planning for the summer camps, they continue to distribute aid and their ministry through the centre.

In fact, our Mission Director Bohdan recently had a request from all the youth, many who are new to the church and the area, asking him to share his story and how he came to faith. After he spoke and shared his testimony, many young people carried on asking lots of questions and the whole meeting ended up lasting for over 2 hours. All this was organised by the youth and there was nearly 60 attending. Bohdan has asked that we continue to pray for these young people and that they too will follow his journey!

Distributing aid, clothes and equipment

The team have also been supporting the local hospital by donating more equipment that arrived with the last shipment. This included crutches, other types of walking aids alongside a selection of other general items that were donated and gratefully received.

The team have also been working hard distributing the recent aid they received. Unfortunately, the need is still as great as ever and today clothes were distributed to those families, we know that have the greatest need in this area. As you can see from the photos below, food is baked and distributed as well still daily.

Lots of food being freshly baked and prepared at the centre!

They've also been supporting people who have had to flee their homes and migrate to Lebedyn. Since most of them left their homes with nothing, they are now struggling to feed and clothe their families with even the very basics. This is likely to be an ongoing problem as there is little help from the government.

Similarly, our Mission Director Bohdan also had a recent meeting with the area commander for the troops in the Lebedyn area. He explained that the families of the soldiers that are serving are really struggling and have a real need for food and clothes. The team visited today to give the families some aid and deliver copies of the “Finding Hope - John’s Gospel” to families in desperate need of hope. Bohdan told me that he didn’t quite realise how bad the need was, so there are other things that need to be found and purchased to help them all. Please pray for provisions to meet the growing needs.

A special Sunday celebration

On Sunday the 26th of June, the church welcomed the Mission Director and his wife Alla's newly born daughter to church and prayed over her. It was truly a special moment! Below you can see Pastor Sergey overseeing this.

They also recently took her to the doctor for a check-up and they are pleased to announce that she has put on weight, and they are very pleased with her progress. Thank you to those that have been asking and praying for her!

Prayer Requests:

1. The provision of more clothes and aid to share with families in great need

The team have been working hard distributing aid to those in need. However, the need is still as great as ever and we still need more clothes, so please join us in praying for this.

In addition, following our Mission Director's recent meeting with the area commander for the troops in the Lebedyn, it has become very apparent the number of families of soldiers who are really struggling and have a real need for food and clothes. Please pray for provisions to meet the growing needs.

2. Receiving funds we send out from the banks

One of the big problems we are still experiencing is getting the funds we send out from the banks. Currently, there is a national shortage of $US and therefore many have drawn down all their funds into this currency and fled out of the region and country. It has been a real challenge for Bohdan to manage but thankfully on Wednesday he was able to access all the remaining funds to pay for everything that was necessary to fulfil their work and ministry.

We are aware that this could be an ongoing challenge, especially as we have more to send out more soon.

3. For wisdom as the team prepare for this year's summer camps

The team continue to plan for a very busy summer, where they will open up their doors to lots of young people who are need of fun, fellowship and hope!

The camp preparation is going well, and all the children have been registered and logged down to attend. We must register this with the authorities and whilst we are officially “full”, we know other children will arrive from needy families who will just turn up each day. We plan not to refuse them entry and to help where we can – depending on how many!

The team have been able to access children’s Bibles which should arrive within a week thanks to our friends at the Ukrainian Bible Society. We have also been given 5,000 assorted leaflets from Life Words for the work we are doing with the Ukrainian army. All this literature will be used and shared out with the young people during the camps.

Bohdan has asked that we keep praying for them, especially through these busy few weeks ahead with the children and youth summer camps, alongside still trying to meet many of the humanitarian needs in the area.

4. For access to fuel which is currently in extremely limited supply

The shortage of fuel is still a big problem. Due to the worsening fuel situation, the team have mostly been focusing on doing more activities and gathering people together at the centre. However, as the team plan ahead for the future, they are hoping to expand the work into other villages and surrounding areas who all also in great need. Please do pray for provision of fuel despite the increasing cost for important travel visits further afield going forward.

Thank you

I am so grateful for all your support. As always, all the team send their thanks and greetings on behalf of the team and the church there.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

Urgent support required:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

We wanted to share with you about some of the recent work taking place in Lebedyn. You will also find a list of prayer items that we would be grateful if you could pray into with us.

Thank you to each person, business, organisation, and trust who has supported the work of Hope Lebedyn. There are many people that have contributed to the cause in so many ways. Your continued help makes a real difference. The team thank everyone for their love, prayers, and support. Thank you all.

A special service for mums with toddlers and babies!

On Friday they held a special service for all the mums who have toddlers and babies. We have been donated so many nappies we wanted to get them to the families that needed them. Over one hundred families came and food was given to them, clothes were taken or swapped and Bibles were also given to the children.

Many who attended mentioned how much they have loved this and want to have this again! You can see of the images from the special service below:

A special gift

We wanted to share a very encouraging story during the devastation of war about one of the children who live locally amongst the community who was delighted to receive a very special gift. One of the boys Nikita lives with his mum and older brother Daniel but unfortunately does not know his father as he abandoned them as a family when he was small.

Both he and his brother attend the children's and teenage clubs we run and his older brother also helps with the puppet theatre. They love being on their bike but only have one bike to share between them. The bike is really his older brother Daniel but they share it between each other and take turns riding around.

His brother's bike is a bit big for him and for the past year he and his mum have been saving up for a new bike. However, with war carrying on much of this money had been spent on trying feed and cope with ever increasing costs.

A few weeks back I shared about the big aid truck we received from Germany. Not only were there scanners, generators and other related equipment but there were a couple of bikes donated. The leadership team met and decided that Nikita should be the recipient of one of these bikes. Our Mission Director said that the Nikita had tears in his eyes when they presented his very own bike to him and he was incredibly happy to receive this special gift.

It is nice to see that out of the horrors of war good can come out of it!

Prayer Requests:

1. For special family time for Mission Director and his family

Our Mission Director and his wife are so pleased to finally meet their baby daughter!

She arrived in the world Friday 17th June at 22:25pm (Ukraine time) weighing 4kg (8.8lbs for the older generations!!). Both mother and baby are doing very well. However, please do join us in praying for their family as they also look after and support their three boys too! Please pray for their strength, protection, and precious family time despite a busy season with work too!

2. For wisdom for the team as they prepare for this year's summer camps

Thorough this week, the team will be continuing to prepare all the site for the camps whilst still supporting those around the community that need help. Please keep praying for them.

Please pray for wisdom and peace as the team continuing preparing the camp programme and all the details. Amidst trying to plan for the centre and site for the summer camp programme, lots of sirens have been going off frequently. There is a great fear that the Russian troops are once again building momentum and getting ready to cross the border once again.

Please also pray for the team to find time to rest, both physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Please also pray that this year's summer camps will be able to take place and will serve as a haven of fun, games, and good fellowship for many young people!

3. For access to fuel which is currently in extremely limited supply

The shortage of fuel is still a big problem. Whilst the team have been able to support the practical needs of those further away and complete food aid runs, however, because of the worsening fuel situation (which is not currently getting any better), they are deciding to focus on doing more activities and gathering at the centre.

Please pray for the provision of more fuel in the region since they will need this for important future travel visits.

4. Adults and children experiencing trauma and resources to help support them

A key thing that the team are becoming increasingly aware of is the mental trauma that is evident in some of the children and adults.

This is a growing need and we are hoping to find more resources to help those struggling with the trauma, anxiety, and anguish of the war. Please pray for this as we will need resources to support people in this area, including more Bibles.

5. Prayer for peace from increased military activity and for the team to continue to support nearby villages

The Oblast (county) of Sumy has seen an increase in military activity but thankfully nothing too close to the centre. The team have been asked to help many villages which have been crushed by the Russian army. Plans are now being made on how we can help further, so please do pray for wisdom as the team work together to plan how they support the needs of those in nearby villages, both spiritually and on a practical level.

Thank you

I am so grateful for all your support. As always, our Mission and Music Director, alongside all the rest of the team send their thanks and greetings on behalf of the team and the church there.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

Urgent support required:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

We wanted to share with you about some of the recent work taking place in Lebedyn. You will also find a list of prayer items that we would be grateful if you could pray into with us.

Thank you to each and every person who has supported the work of Hope Lebedyn. There are many people that have contributed to the cause in so many ways. Your continued help makes a real difference. The team thank everyone for their love, prayers, and support. Thank you all.

Despite the constant threat of war, the team out in Lebedyn continue to do what they can. There is a tiredness but the war does not stop. Your continued prayers are much appreciated.

Busy children's clubs and services for the community

Last Saturday morning the team held a serving and meeting for those with hearing impairment. Whilst numbers were slightly lower than anticipated, those that did attend were appreciative of all that went on. They shared stories of what happened through the war as well and as some of those that were heart-breaking. It is several years since this group of people have met and I think they will be meeting again soon in a time of much-needed fellowship!

An afternoon of fun and food!

The afternoon was then followed by the weekly children’s club. It was great to see over 50 children arrive with their The weekly children’s club then took place in the afternoon. It was great to see over 50 children arrive with their parents for much fun and food. The toll of war is telling as people are missing loved ones fighting or who are separated for various reasons. The team are on hand to listen and at times that is painful as well as being a blessing to help.

Below is a picture of all the children together. They were each given a present, alongside some food to take home with them for all their family. There is now going to be a couple of weeks break as the team focus on preparing for the camps where most of these children, alongside many others will gather – war permitting. As you can see from the rest of the photos below, much fun was had and the parents stayed with them throughout the whole time.

A heart-felt service and a reminder of God's faithfulness in the war!

Last Wednesday on the 8th of June, the team invited many displaced families to the centre for a service and to see how they can help. It was a very moving time and they had around 150 people arrive who had not come to the centre before. Many people left with tears in their eyes after sharing stories and receiving such love and care.

Our Mission Director shared with people how throughout the midst of the war, they had been able to regularly help feed and clothe around 1,500 people. This is amazing for such a small team in a time of war. They have distributed many trucks full of aid. They have supplied medicines to soldiers, hospitals including x-ray machines.

They have been able to run children’s and youth clubs weekly to help the families that have settled in the area reaching over 100 young people each week. They have distributed over 450 adult Bibles, 600 New Testaments and over 1,500 Gospels of John and around 3,000 Christian tracts and booklets, all given personally to those that want to receive them. Bohdan has asked to pray that God will continue His wonderful work that He has begun in this difficult time!

You can see some of the pictures from the gathering below:

Fixing the centre and a big delivery of flour!

As you might have seen on the previous blog, we were able to temporarily patch the roof to ensure the original centre was fit for purpose again. Last Tuesday we were able to secure windows and doors for the original centre within Ukraine at very favourable prices. We hope to have these installed soon before inflation kicks in and puts the price out of reach.

Last Tuesday, the team also received a huge delivery of flour. Much of this will be given away but it will also help with the baking of loaves of bread which are given away each week. When I spoke to our Mission Director and another team member through a video call, they mentioned how of breath they were after lifting 100’s of 25kg bags of the flour! Who needs a gym!

Prayer Requests:

1. Please pray for our Mission Director's wife who is expecting her baby very soon!

Our Mission Director's wife is expecting her baby very soon! Alongside the challenge of the curfew hours and the additional complication of the sirens, it has been a worrying time for them as they tried to anticipate when the best time was to head to the hospital.

Eventually, due to increased shelling in Sumy, they made the decision to travel to the local hospital as missiles have been going off and sirens sounding. Please pray for the safe arrival of a healthy baby girl and for peace in all their hearts and minds!

2. For wisdom and rest for the team as they prepare for this year's summer camps

The team are hoping to take some well-deserved time off to recharge their batteries before this year's summer camps take place.

The team were planning to take some days off during the next two weeks and have some people around day by day as they prepare the centre and site for the summer camp programme. Unfortunately, however, this has not yet been possible with many sirens going off more frequently again. There is a great fear that the Russian troops are once again building momentum and getting ready to cross the border once again.

Our Our Mission Director has said mentioned that they are living their lives in total tension not knowing how to plan and even if they will be safe when they sleep. It is so tough for them. Please do pray for God's supernatural peace to fill them amid unbelievably heart-breaking and difficult. Please also pray for the team to find time to rest, both physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Please also pray that this year's summer camps will be able to take place and will serve as a haven of fun, games, and good fellowship for many young people!

3. For access to fuel which is currently in extremely limited supply

The shortage of fuel is still a big problem. Whilst the team have been able to support the practical needs of those further away and complete food aid runs, however, because of the worsening fuel situation (which is not currently getting any better), they are deciding to focus on doing more activities and gathering at the centre.

Please pray for the provision of more fuel in the region since they will need this for important future travel visits.

4. Adults and children experiencing trauma and resources to help support them

A key thing that the team are becoming increasingly aware of is the mental trauma that is evident in some of the children and adults.

This is a growing need and we are hoping to find more resources to help those struggling with the trauma, anxiety, and anguish of the war. Please pray for this as we will need resources to support people in this area, including more Bibles.

5. Prayer for peace from increased military activity and for the team to continue to support nearby villages

The Oblast (county) of Sumy has seen an increase in military activity but thankfully nothing too close to the centre. The team have been asked to help many villages which have been crushed by the Russian army. Plans are now being made on how we can help further, so please do pray for wisdom as the team work together to plan how they can practically and spiritually support the needs of nearby villages.

Thank you

I am so grateful for all your support. As always, our Mission and Music Director, alongside all the rest of the team send their thanks and greetings on behalf of the team and the church there.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

Urgent support required:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

This latest news update seeks to share with you so of the recent work the team in Lebedyn have been busying focusing on. You will also find a list of prayer items that we would be grateful if you could pray into with us.

I would also like to say thank you to each person who has supported the work of Hope Lebedyn. There are many people that have contributed to the cause in so many ways. Your continued help makes a real difference. The team thank everyone for their love, prayers, and support. Thank you all.

The arrival of 500 Bibles!

With the support of Mission Eurasia, the team were delighted to receive five hundred Bible's which arrived at the centre! During this terrible war people are searching for hope and to make sense of all that is going on.

Whilst the delivery of these Bibles will bless many and help bring hope amongst neighbouring villages and towns, the team still require more Bibles to distribute of which we are now exploring other channels. Unfortunately, the stocks are low everywhere, so please do pray for provision of more Bibles going forward.

The distribution of Christian youth magazines

Last Wednesday on the 25th of May 2022, the team received some Christian youth magazines and some Christian comics filled with Bible stories and they have been passing these out too. These have all been very well received!

Bible classes recommence!

As of last week, the team started their evening Bible classes again! It had been one hundred days since their last one and they were delighted to see over twenty young people from the town come to study, engage, and discuss in the session. This week’s theme was how to live as one big family with God.

Services, special meetings and distributing aid

During the past few days, the centre has been busy with meetings, distribution of aid and continuing to help those in the region. The team are now ticketing people who come to receive supplies to help keep some records of who is requesting help and to ensure we can keep meeting the need going forward. Every day there is a special focus plus those with emergency requirements. Yesterday was special as many came through the centre who have arrived in the area with or as part of large families. The puppet theatre, youth and children's teams were on hand for fun and chat. You can check out of some these photos below from the special service:

Displaying God's love to a nearby village:

Having heard about the missiles being fired across the border they heard of a need in a village which is located just 2Km form the Russian border. There is no official church there but several Christian families who gather in a home to pray and this has been growing with many more local people now attending - many of whom would not normally have attended church otherwise.

They had no food or Bibles as most of their homes had been destroyed. They had an amazing time and took a service for them before handing out aid to all that came along. They gave food, hygiene items, clothing, nappies, medicines and most importantly books and Bibles to give hope The team also left more aid for the small church there to distribute further to those in need. People had tears in their eyes and our Mission Director mentioned how special the time was and the joy of all being together. It really was a wonderful service and provided an opportunity for the team to practically show the love of God.

The food packages and items we are supplying to those in need have varied depending on as and when certain items are available.

This picture showed some of the recent supplies the team have been sharing out. Specifically, tinned food with chicken meat, corn, peas, beans, pate, fish as well as cookies, cereal, paste, milk, and butter.

In addition there are other things to add as required such as toothpaste, brushes, sanitary pads, and nappies for young children.

Fixing the centre roof

A while back we reported that the roof had to be fixed and that we had two quotes since it really needed replacing. However, due to the constant threat of missiles in the area, we decided to patch the roof making the original centre fit for purpose. Today they finished and now the building will not leak water. You can explore these photos below:

However, please do pray for wisdom as we work out the best and most economically solution for the windows. Unfortunately, there is no cover for war damage in any insurance so all of this will have to be funded in due course as we need all the buildings fit for purpose as the work continues to grow and expand.

Prayer Requests:

1. Please pray for the provision of more aid going forward to support those in need

The team have been able to support the practical needs of the community. Please do join us in praying for the protection and safety of the team as they visit villages close to where there is strong military activity.

To continue meeting the desperate needs of individuals and families of local villages and children arriving the local orphanage, please do pray for the provision of more aid going forward. Alongside practical aid and support, including food and clothes for the children, please do pray for the provision of more Bibles. It is clear that during his terrible war people are searching for hope and to make sense of all that is going on.

2. For fresh energy and strength from the strain and tiredness of the war

From speaking to our Mission Director, the whole team are now starting to feel the strain and tiredness of the war. There is weariness from not knowing what the next hour might bring let alone the next day, alongside the constant threat of harm and the uncertainty of not knowing where food might come from. They just want peace.

Our Mission Director has said that they have seen so much answer to prayer and is so grateful to each and every one that prays for them and Ukraine at this time. It has sustained them. So, thank you again for all the ways you've have supported them during this exceedingly difficult and strenuous time.

3. For access to fuel which is currently in extremely limited supply

The shortage of fuel is still a big problem. Whilst the team have been able to support the practical needs of those further away and complete food aid runs, however, because of the worsening fuel situation (which is not currently getting any better), they are deciding to focus on doing more activities and gathering at the centre.

Please pray for the provision of more fuel in the region since they will need this for important future travel visits.

4. Adults and children experiencing trauma and resources to help support them

A key thing that the team are becoming increasingly aware of is the mental trauma that is evident in some of the children and adults.

Whilst it has recently been more peaceful in the area, the far distance bombs and missiles can be heard as the Russians still launch these at random. Our Mission Director has noticed that everyone is finding this quite difficult hearing all this going on and the children finding it scary.

This is a growing need and we are hoping to find more resources to help those struggling with the trauma, anxiety, and anguish of the war. Please pray for this as we will need resources to support people in this area.

Services were held on Sunday but as I alluded to in Saturday’s report Bohdan was feeling exhausted. He set out to have a lie in on Sunday as he was not speaking at church and woke up at 3pm in the afternoon! I think that itself tells a story but we are glad he is taking some rest in between all that is going on.

5. Prayer for our Mission Director's wife who is heavily pregnant

Our Mission Director's wife is heavily pregnant and is expected to arrive very soon. She has been feeling extremely uncomfortable so please do pray for protection over her and their baby and for the discomfort that she has been experiencing.

Thank you

I am so grateful for all your support. As always, our Mission and Music Director, alongside all the rest of the team send their thanks and greetings on behalf of the team and the church there.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

Urgent support required:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

This latest news update seeks to share with you so of the recent work the team in Lebedyn have been busying focusing on. You will also find a list of prayer items that we would be grateful if you could pray into with us.

As always, thank you so much for your continued support and encouraging comments. I would also like to take a moment to say thank you to each person who has supported the work of Hope Lebedyn. There are many people that have contributed to the cause in so many ways. Thank you all.

Supporting the growing community

The team have been exceptionally busy these past few days offering lots of supplies to the growing community. The team have witnessed a constant flow of new arrivals into the town. The amount of aid in food, medical supplies and other areas that has been received has been so amazing to see - including the ton of pasta!

The photos below show lots of different members of the community coming to collect supplies, including their iCare parcel box which were kindly given to us through Mission Eurasia.

1 ton of pasta to share around...

The team have have also recently acquired a large quantity of pasta from our friends at Mission Eurasia!

Whilst the team were separating all the aid delivered on the weekend in preparation for it to be delivered to the church in the Donetsk region, a truck pulled up. It was one of the drivers from our friends at Mission Eurasia...

They kindly supplied the team with a large quantity of pasta which was a wonderful surprise. Some of this pasta has also been passed onto the local orphanage we've been supporting in different ways throughout the war. Here are some images of the team unloading the very large delivery:

There was a special delivery from Mission Eurasia - 1 ton of pasta! This large supply of pasta will also be handed out to the local orphanage we've been supporting too.

Supporting the local orphanage

We’ve recently received news last week from the orphanage in Sumy who the team have been helping throughout the war.

Many of the children, alongside a few of the orphanage staff members were able to find refuge somewhere safer during the war. We received recent news that the children have thankfully now all recovered from chicken pox and are all doing well health wise. The children are now attending a local school but are not all in the same classes. It’s a traditional folk day where they are and since the children didn't have the clothes to wear, they decided to draw and paint them!

The team at the orphanage back in Ukraine now have a big challenge back ahead. The government had called to say that they must take 10 new children at the orphanage, however, they did not have any resources or food to give them - no food, hygiene, stationery, or any other usual things they would typically rely upon. However, they had to accept a new intake of children coming into the orphanage under local orders and their concern is that with more children needing a home, there would not be enough room for her to return with the children they already had in their care at the moment.

The children have now arrived but as expected no government help at present to help look after and care for them.

How to support the children and team at the orphanage going forward

Our Mission Director has now worked out what they needed and have been able to help support and supply them with most things. They have also made a note of additional things they'll be able to supply them with are are looking to get these to them to ensure the children will be looked after well there.

They have been able to supply nappies, clothing, medicines books and educational supplies and food. Coupled with this a little miracle has also happened. They will also be receiving some of the pasta the team received recently.

Services and Events at the Centre

On Wednesday the 25th of May, the team held a range of services and events for various groups of people within the region. There was a great number of people in attendance, including a large number of teachers and workers from specialist music schools. Furthermore, people who worked in museums and other government specific areas also came along, alongside firefighters to offer them a special thanks and give them some supplies as well.

The team also held some special meetings for those with disabilities. Our Mission Director did mention that it was hard to see them as they are suffering so much at this time. It's definitely not be easy for them to get out and about but it was truly a great time and they were also able to enjoy some food.

Afterwards they held their usual Saturday children’s club and again, over 50 children attended with parents which was another fantastic turnout! The numbers continue to keep growing with the amount of people they are engaging with throughout each week. Please continue to pray for strength for the team and for impactful, special interactions with every individual, couple and family the team encounter and support.

Alongside offering supplies, the team have also been handing out Bible-based literature and Bibles. The team were originally running out of Bibles to give out but thankfully I have received quite a few emails since sharing this news and we now have some that have been despatched and should arrive in Lebedyn soon. Whilst there are others are hoping will be sent too, we are still hoping to receive more Bibles, so any support in this will be greatly appreciated going forward. The thirst and hunger for bibles has been amazing so we need to find a supply of these quite quickly.

A special visit to the local hospital

On Saturday 28th of May, our Mission Director met with the Chief Physician of the local hospital to gift him scanners and a large amount of medicine. These gifts were immensely appreciated and the gits were met with tears in their eyes. They were so incredible grateful for them and we believe they will help serve and support those using the hospital during this time.

I've recently spoken to our Mission Director who reiterated the joy of the hospital staff for receiving the aid we had given. They have now received 2 new scanners (x-ray machines), along with all the medication and supplies. This will help them to treat the many suffering from the war along with those with ongoing needs.

Prayer Requests:

1. For fresh energy and strength from the strain and tiredness of the war

From speaking to our Mission Director, it's clear that the all team are now starting to feel the strain and tiredness of the war. There is weariness from not knowing what the next hour might bring let alone the next day, alongside the constant threat of harm and the uncertainty of not knowing where food might come from. They just want peace.

Our Mission Director has said that they have seen so much answer to prayer and is so grateful to each and every one that prays for them and Ukraine at this time. It has sustained them. So, thank you again for all the ways you've have supported them during this very difficult and strenuous time.

2. Protection from any attacks to their region

There have been rumours that the Russian army will attempt to attack their region again. There is evidence of increased activity within Kharkiv and they think Sumy will be also a city they would like to capture. This is not good news if it is true but it is even further magnified for our Mission Director and his wife who are due to go into hospital in Sumy very soon to have their baby be delivered. Please pray into these things and for peace, protection and for them to safely arrive at the hospital.

1. For access to fuel which is currently in extremely limited supply

The shortage of fuel is still a big problem. Whilst the team have been able to support the practical needs of those further away and complete food aid runs, however, because of the worsening fuel situation (which is not currently getting any better), they are deciding to focus on doing more activities and gathering at the centre.

Please pray for the provision of more fuel in the region since they will need this for important future travel visits.

2. Adults and children experiencing trauma and resources to help support them

A key thing that the team are becoming increasingly aware of is the mental trauma that is evident in some of the children and adults.

Whilst it has recently been more peaceful in the area, the far distance bombs and missiles can be heard as the Russians still launch these at random. Our Mission Director has noticed that everyone is finding this quite difficult hearing all this going on and the children finding it scary.

This is a growing need and we are hoping to find more resources to help those struggling with the trauma, anxiety, and anguish of the war. Please pray for this as we will need resources to support people in this area.

3. Ukrainian teachers and educational support staff supporting students

The team recently had a meeting with teachers and those in education. This was followed by a special service of thanksgiving and prayer for all those in education and then had discussions to see how they could offer more support in the area. They were also extremely grateful to receive some aid as well.

Thank you

I am so grateful for all your support. As always, our Mission and Music Director, alongside all the rest of the team send their thanks and greetings on behalf of the team and the church there.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

Urgent support required:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

In this latest update, we share with you some of the work the team have been doing and you will also find a list of prayer items that we would be grateful if you could pray into with us.

As always, thank you so much for your continued support and encouraging comments. I would also like to take a moment to say thank you to each person who has supported the work of Hope Lebedyn. There are many people that have contributed to the cause in so many ways. Thank you all.

Children's clubs and youth gatherings

As usual, Saturday is a hive of activity in the centre! Alongside lots of people collecting aid, the team are delivering the children's clubs which also take place there and where numbers are growing weekly, with well over fifty children now in attendance.

During the clubs, the children will often get to enjoy a puppet show performance and of course, food which they all enjoy! Songs are also sung; indoor and outdoor activities are enjoyed and Bible stories are told.

Today the youth gathered as usual. Great fun was had and they rigged up a projector screen to laptop and were able to watch a film with great discussions after. The teenagers are very much growing together and have become a tight knit group who are now looking to see how they can also help others.

The children enjoy gathering at the centre to enjoy puppet show performances, songs, Bible stories, games and of course, food!

The arrival of humanitarian aid!

The team are continuing to shine God's light and are continuing to practically support the needs of those around them. Lots more help is being given daily, people are being fed and they are continuing to help bring back villages to life.

We are thankful that the expected humanitarian aid arrived on time. This high-quality aid has come from churches in Germany. The big artic truck delivered everything to Lebedyn but there was aid for several other areas within Sumy oblast where churches are doing similar things to us – such as in the village of Kramatorsk.

This also provides a good opportunity for our Mission Director to meet others collecting aid from the centre and compare notes and find out ways we can work together to support the young people and deliver camps in the summer. Please do join us in prayer for safety as the team distribute the aid.

Praise Report: A safe return from Kyiv

We are so thankful that the trip to Kyiv was successful. However, despite the trip’s success and the team’s safe arrival back to the centre, the trip was not without its challenges!

Unfortunately, the roads and infrastructure have got worse and it took longer to do the return journey than previously made. It was also made slightly more difficult due to the fact they were using a larger lorry than before so some roads were exceedingly difficult to navigate, if not impossible, to pass through. There are also road checks along the way. By the time they got back to the Lebedyn area curfew had kicked in and it was dark.

Not all the aid was food but it included a wide range of things from tinned fish to nappies.

Here are a few photos of the team unloading the 9 tons of aid collected from Kyiv!

Once curfew had lifted, they then got back to the centre to unload the aid given. Some 24hours+ later than when they set off. This is them loading the lorry at Kyiv.

Prayer Requests:

1. For access to fuel which is currently in extremely limited supply

The shortage of fuel is still a big problem. Whilst the team have been able to support the practical needs of those further away and complete food aid runs, however, because of the worsening fuel situation (which is not currently getting any better), they are deciding to focus on doing more activities and gathering at the centre.

Please pray for the provision of more fuel in the region since they will need this for important travel visits.

2. Adults and children experiencing trauma and resources to help support them

A key thing that the team are becoming increasingly aware of is the mental trauma that is evident in some of the children and adults.

Whilst it has recently been more peaceful in the area, the far distance bombs and missiles can be heard as the Russians still launch these at random. Our Mission Director has noticed that everyone is finding this quite difficult hearing all this going on and the children finding it scary.

This is a growing need and we are hoping to find more resources to help those struggling with the trauma, anxiety, and anguish of the war. Please pray for this as we will need resources to support people in this area.

3. Ukrainian teachers and educational support staff supporting students

The team recently had a meeting with teachers and those in education. This was followed by a special service of thanksgiving and prayer for all those in education and then had discussions to see how they could offer more support in the area. They were also extremely grateful to receive some aid as well.

The service for the teachers went very well and we are now exploring how the centre might be able to be used to help as local schools and colleges have received quite a bit of war damage. Please pray for wisdom around discussions around this and that the team will find practical, effective solutions to support local schools and colleges going forward.

4. Preparation for the children and youth camp programmes!

Next month, the team plan to open their doors to the children and youth to hold their annual camps. We plan to do two children’s camps based at the centre. They also hope to deliver one or two camps within local villages and if it is safe, a proper camping break with the youth.

The children’s camps take place over five days at the centre where they are fed meals, participate in a range of fun activities, alongside Bible stories being shared. However, they go home to sleep and do not stay there.

This year we plan to work with a German association of Christian Doctors and a Ukraine organisation who are doing the same. Hopefully, they will be able to attend and then to check up the children who have not been able to see any doctors for a while now.

Thank you

I am so grateful for all your support. As always, our Mission and Music Director, alongside all the rest of the team send their thanks and greetings on behalf of the team and the church there.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

Urgent support required:

If you would like to support us financially you can do so below. Remember, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give.

Dear Friends,

As always, thank you so much for your continued support and encouraging comments.

Alongside sharing with you some of the work the team have been doing, you'll also find a list of prayer items that we would be really grateful if you could pray into with me and all the team. As always, the team out in Lebedyn are doing such an amazing job, working long hours to meet both the spiritual and physical needs of those around them.

Special planned events for those with disabilities and children!

On Saturday the 14th of May, the team were very busy delivering two different events for children and families within the community. With Both were incredibly special gatherings and with both planned events taking place, the team ending up interacting with over 250 people once again.

A special meeting for those with disabilities

In the morning, they were able to deliver a special meeting for those with disabilities. The team had initially planned this for the children but many turned up and were invited to join in as well! The new centre building is very accessible and therefore proved extremely helpful when they hosted the meeting!

A fun-filled afternoon at the children's club!

After a busy morning, the team tidied and cleared away ready to open their doors to children and parents!

Children of all ages attended all the fun and games, with lots of activities taking place outside. For the first time, the team welcomed over 50 children and it was evident that people were building up confidence to be outside again instead of taking shelter throughout the entire day. As part of government instructions, parents must still attend.

The kitchen was filled with lots of children excited to bake their very own pizzas! As you can probably imagine, these didn’t last long on the plates!!

The children enjoyed making their very own pizzas. Needless to say, they didn't last very long on the plates!
After the children's club, the team also handed out Bible-based literature and some food supplies to families.

Supporting surrounding villages with aid

The team are continuing to shine God's light and practically support the need of those around them. Lots more help is being given daily, people are being fed and they are continuing to help bring back villages to life.

They've had a busy few days travelling throughout the surrounding villages and identifying what help is needed. Even though much of the infrastructure is damaged, they still have quite a few displaced people and families coming in. Please continue to pray that the team continue to support the needs of those around them in whatever way they can.

The photos below were taken by the team on the 10th of May, following their visit to a nearby villages. They arrived with vehicles full of aid and were able to hand them all iCare parcels kindly given to us by Mission Eurasia, alongside a selection of other food and supplies.

Thank you

I would love to take a moment to say thank you to each person who has supported the work of Hope Lebedyn. There are many people that have contributed to the cause in so many ways.

We have young Kesia who raised £127 by selling cakes, toys and all sorts on her driveway, then to churches having gift days with some donating thousands. I was also recently presented a cheque for £250 by Ian Lucas, owner of Janet’s Flowers in Eastbourne who created special Ukraine coloured bouquets over Mother’s Day and a commission given to Hope Lebedyn. (See picture below). Every donation is truly valued for the help that it gives.

On Thursday 12th May, there was a fundraising meal hosted and organised by Colin and Mike who are owners of Lynn’s Travel too. Mike is Hope Lebedyn’s longest serving and most senior ambassador (not just by age!) to the charity having made more trips to Lebedyn over 20 years than anyone else put together.  Mike and Rachel and Colin and Lynn are also part of a wider Eastbourne support group whose help over the years has been invaluable to the charity both in prayer and other ways.

Over these past months I have seen people do the most kind-hearted of things, who have encouraged and done all they can. This is not just in Eastbourne where we are based but right around the world. The prayer groups that have sprung up globally and has been done individually is as valuable as any monetary gift donated. Seeing the images of Lebedyn compared to the villages that surround it having been flattened and destroyed is testament that prayer has made that difference. Thank you all.

Prayer Requests:

1. For the team to continue to support the needs of surrounding villages in the region

The team are doing such an amazing job, working long hours to meet both the spiritual and physical needs of those around them. Since speaking with our Mission Director, we are aware that an opportunity has recently arisen to bring some humanitarian aid into the region. It will mean hiring lorries, finding fuel and some of it will have to be purchased. Given the volume of help we are giving in within the region, the team will definitely need to more aid to help further. Please pray for provision for this!

Alongside the provision of aid, please also pray for vehicles, and supplies to support the desperate need of individuals and families within surrounding villages too.

2. For access to fuel which is currently in extremely limited supply

The team have been able to support the practical needs of those further away and complete food aid runs, however, because of the worsening fuel situation (which is not currently getting any better), they are deciding to focus on doing more activities and gathering at the centre.

The shortage of fuel is also down to the three main fuel distribution centres in the east being bombed so fuel is getting extremely hard to find. Please pray for the provision of more fuel in the region since they will need this for important travel visits.

3. Adults and children experiencing trauma and resources to help support them

A key thing that the team are becoming increasingly aware of is the mental trauma that is evident in some of the children and adults. The youth tend to be more acceptant of what is happening but many children are struggling to communicate. We know of two recent arrivals of families from high impact areas where they simply cannot talk and express how they are feeling with all that they have seen.

This is a growing need and we are hoping to find more resources to help those struggling with the trauma, anxiety, and anguish of the war. Please pray for this as we will need resources to support people in this area.

4. The repair of the external structure of the centre

We have now agreed with a local builder a very good price to professionally patch the roof of the centre. This will need more work but until the uncertainty has lifted, we do not think it wise to put money into new roofs right now.

Other reparations are taking place to get the centre back up and working as well. This will take time but with more and more people coming then we are going to need the space. We have also found that the new building has suffered a bit more damage than initially thought, specifically the damage caused to the doors. They have been temporarily fixed but will need to be replaced in due course. Please pray for the professional work on the roof to be effective in making the roof watertight.

5. Preparation for the children and youth camp programmes!

Next month, the team still plan to open their doors to the children and youth to hold their annual camps. We plan to do two children’s camps based at the centre. They also hope to hold one or two camps within local villages and if it is safe, a proper camping break with the youth. Then children’s camps take place over five days based at the centre where they are fed meals and have all kinds of fun activities as well as bible stories shared. They go home to sleep and do not stay there.

This year we plan to work with a German association of Christian Doctors and a Ukraine organisation doing the same. Hopefully, they will be able to attend and then to check up the children who have not been able to see any doctors for a while now.

Thank you

I am so grateful for all your support. As always, our Mission and Music Director, alongside all the rest of the team send their thanks and greetings on behalf of the team and the church there.

Every blessing,

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

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    From 17th - 24th February we are holding a week of prayer as we remember the 2nd anniversary of the war in Ukraine.
    To help you pray, we've created a PDF guide that contains some daily prayer points. 

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