Update 11th October 2024

The youth from Valentine's homegroup sat on the floor and bench in a room at the Centre posing for a photo

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Dear Friends,

The situation in the Sumy region remains largely the same. Every day explosions are being heard within the Lebedyn area giving stark reminders of all the fighting going on around them. Bohdan’s house has been shaken on more than one occasion through drones or missiles being shot down by defence systems. As we spoke this week, sirens sounded and a large explosion happened.

We shared last week that Bohdan was in hospital and we are pleased to say that he is now home, but none the wiser as to the cause of his problems. When Bohdan was a young man he had an accident resulting in a head trauma which was very serious at the time. Miraculously he pulled through and has had very little problems since. Sadly, they think that the problems he is facing are possibly linked to that trauma and could be significant. He goes to Sumy City hospital next week for a further assessment, and then will have to see a specialist consultant to determine diagnosis and treatment. Please do pray for him and for the doctors through this tough period for him and his family.

Bohdan was in good spirits and not downhearted by all that has gone on. Whilst in hospital he was able to chat and pray with wounded soldiers and gave many Bibles out. This has inspired him to do more to help the soldiers and families. We still seek further aid which seems to be in short supply, but the team are now looking at different ways they can help them. The soldiers love the bread delivered to them, and the constant theme and request for help seems to be prayer, even from those that seemingly have no faith. Bohdan is producing a badge which can be sewn onto their tunics – pictured below.

A badge created by Bohdan for the soldiers with the words The Lord is my strength, my shield and salvation shown in Ukrainian on it

This translates to being “The Lord is my strength, my shield and salvation”. These will be given out with prayer booklets to both wounded and active soldiers to remind them they are being prayed for.

The bakery is still busy, and each week people are coming to the Centre to various services to collect loaves, and those that are not so mobile the team visit to give out bread. On Tuesday one lady visited for the first time and became a Christian as a result!

All other activities continue, with the children’s clubs and youth meetings taking place. At the children’s club over 40 children turned up despite the sirens sounding. Homegroups still meet as you can see at the top of the page. This is Valentines group!

Over 100 sets of bedding have been made and delivered over the past few weeks and more are in progress. Visitation is hard to do because hospitals are targeted so once you are in hospital you are very isolated and alone.

There are some other key points to share for information and prayer.

  • Nicolai has been our driver collecting aid and delivering some of it for the past 2 years. His help has been invaluable. However, this past week he was seriously injured in a road accident near Okhtyrka. He is in hospital there, and at first it was touch and go as to whether he could survive. He is out of danger, but needs more surgery to save at least one leg, and for other internal injuries including a shattered pelvis. This will affect how we can collect aid in the days to come, so Bohdan is looking to find someone who can take this on.
  • Vladimir is still very ill in hospital. They need to operate on his stomach, but cannot until the inflammation subsides - which it isn’t. Bohdan said he is unrecognisable.
  • Lyuba’s aunt died this last week of cancer. She lived in the south and there was simply not the accessible medical help available to help her when diagnosed with cancer. Lyuba was close to her, so please pray for her in her grief.
  • Lena (our part-time administrator) is still struggling as her son has been officially registered “missing in action” even though she has been told he died on the battlefield. They cannot find or locate his body now. Her husband is in Sumy hospital in his last days suffering from cancer.
  • Vlada, one of the youth who we have mentioned on more than one occasion, is really struggling with mental health issues, and is scarcely seen out now. Bohdan is very concerned for her.

On a more positive note:

  • Pastor Andrew in Samotoivka is feeling a lot better and more like his old self. It is still very dangerous in the area they live in.
  • The autumn camp week is still planned to go ahead.
  • Farmer Sergey has been accepted to do a Bachelor of Arts study in theology specialising in children’s ministry at Kyiv Theological Seminary. This is a higher qualification than Svetlana was going to do, but Sergey is keen to have the best qualifications to help do his work within the Centre.
  • Sasha is a young man who became a Christian through the work at the Centre, and wants to train and be a Pastor like Bohdan. Bohdan has committed to meet with him every Monday to prepare him and do some foundational work to see if he still likes this so he can go to Bible college next year.
  • Egor is similarly keen but is too young to go to Bible college, but Bohdan said is “on fire” for God. He is pictured below with his weekly study with Bohdan also.
Egor sat at a table with his Bible and other books spread in front of him whilst he studies

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. The war with Russia still seems to escalate further with many lives being lost. We can only do what we can in this region, but your support helps the team to be so much more effective.

Every blessing

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

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    From 17th - 24th February we are holding a week of prayer as we remember the 2nd anniversary of the war in Ukraine.
    To help you pray, we've created a PDF guide that contains some daily prayer points. 

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