Update 2nd September 2024

Aftermath of missile damage at Larissa's orphanage with blast debris scattered on the ground as rescue workers look on

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Dear Friends,

Over this past weekend, military activity in Sumy became much more intense. Air sirens have been ringing out for 24 hours at a time, Sadly, I write with the news that the orphanage that we have supported since it was started, and run by Larisa, was directly targeted and hit, creating much damage as you can see from the photos below.

Bohdan had only visited on Thursday to speak with the children and took the puppet theatre with him. This coincided with Ukraine Independence Day, with Larisa sending me the photo below.

Larisa with the children at her orphanage in Sumy in August 2024

Thankfully, the children were all removed from the building before the bomb landed so there were no casualties.

Also, Lebedyn has been targeted. The defence systems shot down and intercepted all drones and rockets, and although there were no direct hits, the debris caused damage in the town and triggered fires.

These are dangerous times and we would value your prayers, especially for the safety of the children at the orphanage, and for the team out in Sumy City and in Lebedyn. Today, Larisa and her team are sifting through the rubble and collecting things of value.

Getting information is sporadic as power has been down for much of the time, but unless there are any significant developments, a normal update will happen on Thursday as the team have been busy in other areas. We will also assess what support is needed for Larisa and the orphanage and keep you informed.

Thank you for your continued support.

Every blessing

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

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    Hope Lebedyn is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, registered charity number 1201618.
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    From 17th - 24th February we are holding a week of prayer as we remember the 2nd anniversary of the war in Ukraine.
    To help you pray, we've created a PDF guide that contains some daily prayer points. 

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