Update 17th January 2025

A large pile of aid in white bags standing on the floor that is being given to people as they come through a door at the Centre

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Dear Friends,

This week has been quieter with camps finishing and with the general military activity in the region. We give thanks for this.

Bohdan was still enthusing on Wednesday as to how well the camp went last week, so thank you for your prayers around this. As there was a smaller number in attendance, it was easier to speak to and get to know them in a closer way. The young people were very open to listening to the content of the talks and asked many searching questions about their life struggles through this war. A good proportion of attendees have been made homeless due to the war, and have come to live in Lebedyn as there is spare accommodation.

One young man was quite angry, and clearly had a grudge against everything and anything. He was negative and struggled to understand the kindness of the team. Bohdan got alongside him to hear him say that he can never remember being given a gift as his family were poor, and now they were refugees. When at the end of the camp Bohdan gave him his present tears welled up in his eyes and he was so grateful. No matter how small the gift might be, something given in love like this can change a life and that is why we do so many camps weeks and so much work over the Christmas period.

The puppet theatre was a hit with them all, especially as they made it a little more like a drama theatre for this group. So many of them want to join the puppet ministry now, so Musical Sergey is going hold special workshops for them.

A number have now also joined either Bohdan’s or Valentine's homegroup Bible study, and they have also been along to the youth club on Friday nights. It is great to see so many young people in their “happy place”!

This coming Saturday, Bohdan and the team, along with the puppet theatre are going to visit a local school. They are opening especially on the Saturday for the last of the Christmas showing! Many children will not only receive a gift, but will hear the true meaning of Christmas.

Last week, I reported that the team planned a large service with over 400 attending. This went ahead and there were not enough seats for people to sit on (see pictures above and below). The visiting team brought along some aid which was much appreciated. Many asked for prayer, and stayed on to speak with people. There was so much sadness shared. The impact this war is having goes deep.

People sat in rows in the Centre during the service listening to the band play at the front.
A man in the front row of the service at the Centre, standing with a Bible in his hands whilst being spoken to by the speaker

On Wednesday, Bohdan went to see Larisa’s new orphanage again in Synivka with a lady from the church called Oksana. She is in the middle of the picture below with Bohdan and Alla. This was taken last summer camp in the Carpathian mountains where we were able to go and meet them.

Oksana is a trained medic, but has a love for children. She only has one child, who is now a teenager very much involved within the church life in Lebedyn. There are two sisters in Larisa’s orphanage, Nastya age 11 and Katya age just 3 , who really need a home, especially after all they have gone through, so she has agreed to adopt them into her family. Please can we pray for her and all the orphaned children who are grieving the loss of parents through this war.

In our time together, Bohdan and I looked at what this year might bring, what work the team want to do, and the resources required. It is as ambitious as ever, and of course we never really know whether they can be achieved as it depends on the war situation within the region. We are now praying into this and wait to see what will happen.

We are pleased though to have confirmed that a truck of aid will leave here in a few weeks to go to Lebedyn, arriving early February. This is so needed and a great answer to prayer. Bohdan is excited about this, so we hope that all the plans and logistics around this are not delayed.

In closing, a reminder that I mentioned last week that we will be holding a service on Saturday 22nd February 2025 at Victoria Baptist church in Eastbourne to especially pray for Ukraine and the team in Lebedyn. This will be at 4.00pm.

This means that, war permitting, Bohdan will be speaking during the meeting. We hope that as many of you as possible will join us, but we also hope to have a live online link to the service for those not able to get to Eastbourne. We do need to know in advance if you are wanting to use this online facility.

Thank you so much for your continued support and prayers over these past few weeks. Your generosity has been amazing.

Every blessing

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

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    From 17th - 24th February we are holding a week of prayer as we remember the 2nd anniversary of the war in Ukraine.
    To help you pray, we've created a PDF guide that contains some daily prayer points. 

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