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Dear Friends,
This week, we write with more encouraging news. Power cuts are getting less as the local grids are being restored, and now they may only get a power cut for an hour or two a day. Sirens have been quieter during the day since Monday as they generally happen more at night when missiles attack other towns – normally Kharkiv. Sergey told me that one night the sirens sounded from 9pm until 7.00am the next morning – it makes sleeping very difficult. Sadly, the border between Sumy and Russia is still as intense as ever, but military activity only goes 10kms into the Sumy Oblast region.
The camp for the teenagers last week went very well. Bohdan said it was the best ever. The young people loved being together and took part willingly in everything. There were no major problems, but the same issues with mental health and effects of war are impacting these young people. Many of them have had family members killed or having life-changing injuries, even some there had been orphaned or abandoned due to the war. Bohdan said that he preached the Gospel every day and it touched many hearts and gave hope. Every day the young people did not want to go home. They shared with parents/guardians at the end of each day what they had done, which meant staying at least an extra hour to what was planned. The reviews and comments coming back in from parents have been amazing and they are thankful for all that had happened with their children.
One young man who came did not settle at first, and when spoken to would only answer with his own questions and appeared greatly troubled. But by the end of the week, he was communicating well and his mother came to thank the team as she had not know what to do with him at home, and had now seen such a great change in his life.
Below is a picture of Yaroslav. Yaroslav lives quite a distance away from the Centre in the outer regions of town, he had previously come to the Winter camp but had lost contact with Bohdan. He arrived at this week’s camp and when Bohdan spoke with him, told him that after the Winter camp he realised that he needed to become a Christian and is now involved in a homegroup at, and attending, a small church near his home. Bohdan said you can clearly see the impact his faith is having in his life. The team do not always immediately get to know the impact these camps have on individuals and families, and were delighted and thankful to hear his news.
Click below to see a short video of the Teen Camp to see more of what went on during the week! They had so much fun!
As mentioned above, the teens still want to get together, and they have been arriving at the Centre most days to see who is around! Sasha decided to do a computer workshop with them which helps them educationally. It has been great to be able to do this again now that there is power readily available.
Below, Valentin has been holding baptismal classes for the youth. They hope to have another service in a few weeks time. In his group is Dasha, who we have been praying for since her Grandfather died, and the girl on the phone is Lily. She became a Christian a while back, then her family fled to Poland but have returned and are living in Cherkassy. She too wants to be baptised, so the family may come over to Lebedyn, or this will happen in Cherkassy itself.
We have had a small amount of aid arrive this week, which is great. They will hold services to distribute this out in the coming weeks. They have also purchased more flour and yeast to bake more bread as the bakery gets back up and running following the busy camp weeks. Bohdan took the volunteers who had cooked for the camps out for a day to Swan Lake to enjoy a picnic to say thank you!
There are a few other things to update on, and for prayer:
When talking with Bohdan and “Farmer Sergey” this week they both said they cannot believe how blessed they are. With all the recent bombings Lebedyn remains relatively untouched. When they look back and see the carnage of what has happened in Sumy city area and some of the nearby villages it is a miracle they are still able to do all that they can.
Once again thank you for all your support.
Every blessing
Peter Martin
Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn