Update 24th May 2024

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Dear Friends,

This week the military activity in the region remains largely the same with Lebedyn remaining quiet. The border territories are still on high alert with many battles and exchanges taking place.

Power outages are increasing and they have been warned that is this likely to continue with even more regularity. We have now sourced a supply for a solar powered generator which will enable the Centre to run effectively for two days without electricity without any recharge. With all the power outages occurring Bohdan said that it is impossible to do education with the children as everything is home-school based. Also, graduate level education seems to be grinding to a halt as people are affected by the war. Life is becoming increasingly harder for children and young people.

The team have once again been amazing, and are trying to get the recent delivery of aid out to the many needy people not just in Lebedyn, but in the outlying areas. They are aware of other churches and organisations that desperately need help and this weekend plan to drive to some of these areas. Pastor Andrew in Samotoivka has found that things have got even worse for their town, and they too are desperate for support. Pictures below are of the loading of the many trips being done.

Care homes are high on the list for helping. They have delivered clothes and food, but the main thing they need is sanitary wear and nursing aids. Sadly, there was a little of this on the recent delivery so we are just sending out more funds to get some extra aid.

Last week, the church held services on three days with over a hundred attending every time. Aid was distributed after the service and people were so grateful as they were not told until the end about the aid. We still have people arriving in the town seeking refuge. There was more bedding on the aid truck so they were able to help the lady pictured below who arrived from Kherson region.

On Tuesday this week, a funeral was held for a lady who helps at camp and is part of the sister church in the area. She was tragically killed trying to leave the region. I am not sure of all the details surrounding this, but instead of them baking bread that day, cakes and specialities were baked in her honour and distributed at the funeral to all those who attended and those observing!

New laws came into effect on Saturday, and already this is having a huge impact. Victor, who is the site manager, was summoned to the military offices, but after appeal, it looks like, for now, he will not have to go to the frontline. For the many others who the team know, it is not the same outcome.

Meanwhile , after speaking with Bohdan we think it will be safe to press ahead with the summer camps. Parents are very keen still for their children to come, so preparations are now underway. Below are some pictures of Musical Sergey, pleased with his new microphone to help with some of the recording for the new material for summer camps, and children recording some vocal parts.

The puppet show brings so much delight to the children. Whether in camps, churches, schools, orphanages or within the community it always draws out many people to watch. It is an amazing way to communicate God’s message and life’s values to the children in such a contemporary way. Puppetry is still very much part of the eastern European culture. The team remains at around 26 children strong, creating 3 teams that can be used. Schools even allow reasonable time out to do this activity. There are some other pictures of the theatre in action below along with a photo at the top of the page of some of the team after rehearsal.

Bohdan said to me this week he is so thankful for all the faithful prayers and support. He feels humbled. He has grown so much as a leader. When the war started he was just 32, but he has risen to the challenge ahead of him so well. With all they do it will have impact on the family, so please do remember them in your prayers.

My thanks again for all your support.

Every blessing

Peter Martin

Founding Director of Hope Lebedyn

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    From 17th - 24th February we are holding a week of prayer as we remember the 2nd anniversary of the war in Ukraine.
    To help you pray, we've created a PDF guide that contains some daily prayer points. 

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