An update on our recent visits to schools and orphanages!

We wanted to share a little update on our recent visits to some local schools and orphanages. By God’s mercy, we were able to visit different educational establishments and provide joy and hope through our puppet shows, gifts and seeds distribution!

Through our Seed ministry, we are able to give away seeds to very needy families in the area to enable them to bring in a harvest that they wouldn't normally have. You can read about some of these wonderful stories from our visits below.

Hryntsevo Village School – The children and the teachers made us feel so welcome during our visit. A lot of children at this school are from very poor families and therefore the seed distribution was a great help for them and their families!

Shtepivka Orphanage - All the children at this orphanage were so happy to see us! The last time we had the opportunity to visit them was 1 year ago. The children, the teens, the young people and the teachers watched the puppet show with lots of interest! After the show, they invited us to stay longer for the fellowship. It was a really great and special time.

Pedagogical Centre – On the 3rd of March, we visited the Pedagogical Centre, where we showed the programme to the teachers union. They gave us lots of positive feedback! The performance touched their hearts very much and it encouraged them to think about their lives and also eternity.

Larissa's Rehabilitation Centre for Children - Many children at this centre have suffered from lots of fear and hate. Our visit was so important in reminding them that their hope is in Jesus Christ. Every time we get to visit them, we really get to understand and witness how God works in the hearts of these children!

During this time, we also held two special events - one event aimed towards supporting people with additional needs and a second event where we held an English class specifically for mothers and their children.

It was so wonderful holding an event for those with additional needs, where we were able to provide special attention and care to those who really needed it was also able to bless them with seed sets at the end.

The English class was also very successful. We had such a lovely time, everyone openly received everything e offered them and the atmosphere was so friendly and warm! We got to talk about Anna as a true mother from the Bible. It's a very important topic for mothers and how to trust God.  At the end we gave them little presents. Such meetings help us to "build the bridge" for fellowship and spreading Good News.

Thank you for all the support.

Love from Bohdan and the team.

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    From 17th - 24th February we are holding a week of prayer as we remember the 2nd anniversary of the war in Ukraine.
    To help you pray, we've created a PDF guide that contains some daily prayer points. 

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